Take this big ribbon off my eyes.

Feb 10, 2004 12:10

Alright, here's some fun updates!

Gasperilla was fun! I got tons of beads (none for flashing, either... I earned my beads the classy way: Screaming.) And a pirate kissed me on the cheek....Roar! He said i had a big mouth :-(. lol! Angela thought it was creepy... and i would have preferred some better beads from him...but it was kind of funny.

News about Stalker is relatively the same. He told me to call this weekend. I didn't. Today in class I sat in the back of the room where he couldn't find me. By the end, he obviously looked through all the 400 people in the room and spotted me. Then he asked me to lunch. "No". No more explanation is needed for him anymore.

I have also realized that this campus is begining to fill itself with people who don't want to let pedestrians cross the street. My message to them is this:
Whether you stop by the force of your brakes or by my mangled body under your front tire is insignificant... however, you will stop.

That is all!
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