Back to work

Aug 12, 2007 23:10

I have to go back to work tomorrow and it feels quite OK, actually. Life has been a lot better the last week, after the devastating death of my beloved cat Tryggve.

I went to Dublin for a few days this week. I've never been there before and I didn't know what to expect. At first, with the memory of my trip to London fresh in mind, I thought that Dublin seemed very small with not much to do or see. As the weather got better; I started to like it a lot more, but I didn't really fall for Ireland until I went to Malahide on the coast. That was great! Walking on the beach when the tide was out was something I will remember. I would like to see more of Ireland but I would like to have someone with me to share the experience. Going on holiday on your own is OK, but a little boring. You don't really want to go out to dinner at night and see all the groups of friends or couples, so I had sandwiches at the hotel, mostly.

What's really brightened up my life is that I've bought a new cat! His name is Ingvar, an old Scandinavian name. I actually named him after a Viking that is mentioned on several runic stones that can be found in the area where I live. This man was the leader of a group of Vikings that went to what today is Southern Russia and Ukraine, down to the Black Sea. Anyway, Ingvar is incredibly cute and looks and feels like he's made of candyfloss. He's a Persian, of course, like Tryggve was. I will try to post a picture of him, if I can get the hang of how you do it.
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