Truths meme

Jul 07, 2007 16:37

My 105 Truths
1. real name-Chris
2. like it-Yep
3. single or taken-Taken
4. zodiac sign-Leo (but believe astrology is bunk)
5. male or female-male
6. elementary-Tower Road
7. middle-Tower Road East
8. high school-William Lovell
9. eye color-Greenish brownish
10. hair color-Dark brown with grey flecks
15. are you a health freak-Supposedly
16. height-6'0"
17. do you have a crush on someone-Yes
18. do you like yourself-Most of the time
19. piercings-No
20. tattoos-Not yet, suggestions?
21. righty or lefty-Right

22. first surgery-Strabismus correction aged 18 months
23. first piercings-None
24. first best friend-Paul Kimpson
25. first award-Can't remember, probably a smiley at school :-)
26. first sport-Cross country
27. first pet-Timmy (a silly sausage)
28. first vacation-Cleethorpes? I think...
30. first crush-Amanda Thompson

49. eating-Nothing
50. drinking-Just finished an orange soda (with other natural flavours)
51. im about to-Finish this, and go back to watching Live Earth.
52. listening to-Trying to ignore whatever that horrible noise Ludicrous and his cronies are making is supposed to be
53. waiting for-Ludicrous to stop performing so my ears will stop screaming for the noise to stop
54. wearing-T-Shirt and jeans

55. want kids-More? Maybe one more
56. want to get married-I want to stay married
67. careers in mind-Retired rich person

68. lips or eyes-Eyes
69. hugs or kisses-Both
70. shorter or taller-Shorter
71. tan skinned or light-Tanned
72. romantic or spontaneous-Romantic
73. dark or light hair-Dark
74. muscular or normal-Normal
75. hook-up or relationship-relationship
76. similar to you or different-Different
77. trouble maker or hesitant-Both!

78. kissed a stranger-Yes
79. drank bubbles-Yes, for saying fuck to my Mother
80. broken a bone-Three of them
81. climbed up a tree-What normal boy hasn't?
82. broken someones heart-Don't think so
83. turned someone down-Yes
85. liked a friend as more than a friend-Yes

86. yourself-Mostly
87. miracles-Yes
88. love at first sight-Yes
89. Santa Claus-Yes
90. Sex on the first date-No
91. angels-Yes

92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now-No
93. who is it-It's nobody
94. Are you cool-Not even slightly

95. Text message-Goodness knows, my cell phone was last seen in the garden under a pile of toys
96. Recieved call-Megan
97. Call made-Some guy named Xiaopeng
98. Message on myspace-Something silly from Jed
99. Missed Call-Someone about a medical bill
100. Person you hung out with-Timmy and Paul
101. You hugged-Kelly
102. You kissed-Kelly
103. You talked to-Kelly
104. You slapped-Can't remember
105. Said I love you to-Kelly


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