
Oct 27, 2006 12:32

In summary:
Monday evening: Had to take Alexander to the emergency room, fortunately it turned out to be nothing. He had two purple marks on either side of his gum that looked really infected and the paediatrician could not see him until Thursday. Erring on the side of caution we took him to the emergency room just to be on the safe side. They said it looked like a minor infection and gave us some penicillin and a referral to his dentist.

Tuesday: Usual busy work day stuff.

Wednesday: Took the morning off to take Alexander to the dentist. Turns out it's not an infection after all, just normal reaction to molars breaking through. Ah well, better safe than sorry. Finally got my blood work done the same morning, no smelling salts involved this time either! Worked from home in the afternoon.

Thursday: Mabel's birthday, so a good proportion of the family over to her house in the evening for cake. She certainly doesn't look or act her age (which I am sworn to secrecy on) :) Good time had by all.

Last night was woken up for the second night in a row by Gary coughing up a hairball. This is not a pleasant sound to be woken up too.

alex, pets, family, kids

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