
Sep 21, 2008 16:21

60 things you didn't know about me until you read this

What colour is your toothbrush?
It's blue and white

What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Escalating a case

What is your favourite candy bar?
Cadbury's Caramel (which you can't get in this country :()

Have you ever been to a bar?
Lots of times

What is the last thing you said aloud?

What is the best ice cream flavour?
Rum and Raisins

What was the last thing you had to drink?
Orange Juice

What are you doing right now?
This, working, and watching a NASCAR race.

What was the last thing you ate?
A fried egg

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
Not this week.

When was the last time you ran?
I run a little every day, but in short bursts. The last time I really ran was a long time ago.

Who was the last person to send you a message/ comment on myspace?
Erm, my sis-in-law I think

Do you take vitamins daily?
No, but I should.

Do you go to church every week?
Not for 10 years or more. Infer from that what you will.

Do you have a tan?
A sort of splotchy farmer's tan. Mostly my arms and the back of my neck.

Do you like Chinese food over pizza?

Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Only in restaurants and the like.

Are you someones best friend?
I am

What are you doing Saturday?
Next Saturday? Well during the day I'll be working, I've no idea after that.

Where is your Dad?
He's either dozing off on the couch, or making hot chocolate and getting ready for bed.

Look to your left, what do you see?
My bed

What color is your watch?

Do you use chapstick?
Not since moving to FL, my lips get chapped in cold weather and that hardly ever happens here.

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
Usually I just drive through and eat it in the car (I'm so Americanised). I prefer to go in, though.

Last guy you talked on the phone with & when?
Some guy named Brad about a resource broker going down. Earlier today.

Last girl you talked on the phone with?
Kelly, discussing her return from taking the kids to the skate park about 15 mintues ago.

Any plans today?
Tonight I plan to have a couple of beers and relax.

Do you dye your hair?
Nope, it's the colour it is and I've no plans to change it. It's going grey all by itself.

Can you say the alphabet backwards?

Do you have a maid service clean your house?

Do you love anyone?
Several someones.

Do any of your friends have children?
Most of them don't, a handful do.

Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
Nope, I don't believe in hate.

Do you use the word hello daily?
All the time.

Do you like cats?
I love cats, that teach us mere humans humility.

Have you ever been to Six Flags?

How did you get your worst scar?
A 3" scar across the back of my neck from surgery

How old was your mom when you were born?

And your dad?
30 (one day younger)

What is your favorite smell?
Pleasures from Estee Lauder, it brings back pleasant memories.

Do you like sudoku?
It's a posh name for what we called "magic squares" as kids, and no I'm not really into it.

What is your favourite number?

Have you ever waited tables?
Yes, once for about a month. Hated it.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
No, but I've been proven wrong before.

What is your zodiac sign?
What a load of superstitious nonsense (says the Agnostic theist). It's Leo.

Do you work out?
Not really.

Are you/do you want to be married?
I'm happily married.

Do you remember the "Pepsi wave"?
No, but I need to look that up now...

What is your favourite animal?
Cats, big ones, small ones, I love all cats. Especially moggies.

Do you have/want children?
I have 2 boys and a girl. I've no plans on Fathering any more but may adopt a 4th one day.

Only real news to report this month is that I now have about a 3" scar on the back of my neck due to having a 1" cyst removed. The actual surgery was quite uneventful, after they numbed me I didn't feel a thing. Hurt like hell afterwards and still fairly sore 6 days later. Stitches come out on the 30th, I'm guessing I"ll get my biopsy results around the same time. They're very confident it's nothing serious, just a pimple that got out of hand (!).

Main reason I've not been updating this thing is because I've been working 7 days a week for the last month. Got placed on a strike team for PureDisk alongside my normal duties so that's adding a LOT of work.

Last game to be played at the old Yankee Stadium today. Hope we give it a good send off (a win would be nice). Hopefully the new stadium will bring us better luck next year. It'll take a miracle to see the playoffs now.

me, work, meme, yankees

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