
Apr 07, 2008 22:41


Initials: CJH

Middle name: John (just like every other Chris I know)

Birthday: August 16

Birth Place: Fishtoft, England

Current location: Deltona, FL

Height: 6'0"

Hair length: A number 3 buzz cut

Eye color: Greenish brownish

Piercings: Nope

Tattoos: Nope

Birthmarks : No

♥ Chapter 2: Family ♥

Do you live with your parents? Not for 10 years now

Do you get along with your parents? Yeah

Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Still married, 40 years this year

Do you have any siblings? 1 brother

What pets do you have? 1 dog officially, I'm fostering a pug thing and used to own a cat that's now living with my in-laws.

♥ Chapter 3: Favourites ♥

City: Lincoln

Season: Winter

Clothing brand: If it fits and is comfortable....

Color: Pastels

Number: 17

♥ Chapter 4: Do You ... ♥

Sing in the shower? Nah

Write memos on your hand? No, disgusting habit

Call people back? In theory I'm paid too

Believe in love? Yes, definitely

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? On the right

Wear glasses or contacts? Not anymore, they never worked

♥ Chapter 5: Have You Ever... ♥

Gone skinny dipping? Yes

Worn braces? Yes

Broken a bone? 2 in my left leg, and my little finger on my right hand

Had stitches? Yes... in a very tender spot I might add

Punched someone in the face? Several times, but not recently

Skipped school? School no, college yes

Taken painkillers? Yes

Gone SCUBA diving? I'd have to learn how to swim first

Been stung by a bee? No

Thrown up in a restaurant? No

Had a friend lie to you? Yes

Been to overnight camp? Yes

Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes, and it mysteriously disappeared then showed up in my Mother's dressing table years later.

Had detention? Haha lots of times

Been sent to the principals office? Yes

Been called a bitch? Yes

♥ Chaper 6: Who/What was the last.. ♥

Person to TEXT U? God knows

Person to call you? My Mother-in-law

Person you hugged? Alexander

Person you tackled? Alexander

Thing you touched? Um.. a keyboard

Thing you ate? Beans on toast

Drank? Diet Pepsi

Thing you said? I mentioned that it was trash night, and I'm currently avoiding having to take care of it.

Last call made: Some guy in North Carolina about an Exchange restore, but he didn't answer.

♥ ♥ 40 RANDOM questions: ♥ ♥

What channel is the tv on? TBS

What song is playing: No song, Family Guy is playing

Watching the news: No

What is your background: A picture of my sons


Type of pizza: Pepporoni, Italian Sausage, Ham, extra sauce and Habinero sauce.

College basketball team: Don't pay any attention to it

Shirt that you own: My "Charlie Brown" shirt, which has sadly developed a hole

What's the time - 22:23

What's the date: April 7th

What's the day: Monday

Do you own more than 5 TV sets : 3

Do you own a toaster: Yes

Do you own a house with 2 floors? Yes


Cat: Higher life form, and they know it

Jump: Why?

Love: Kelly

Bed: mmm... 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is a luxury only parents understand

Food: I'm not hungry

Scratch: Don't need to


How is your boyfriend/girlfriend doing? My wife is asleep on the couch

What are you wearing right now? Black t-shirt and blue jeans

Do you have any problems/concerns right now that are on your mind? How much time do you have? Really?

Do you know anyone that wants you dead? I don't think I'd be calmly filling out this stupid survey if I thought someone was out to kill me...

Do you believe that regrets are lessons learned? Yes

What are you listening to: The A/C just kicked in... and in the background I can hear Family guy

Where did you first hear this song? What song? It's a fucking A/C

Are you the one that normally makes the first move? Yes

Would you sacrifice yourself for a friend? Yes, without hesitation

Whats really annoying you right now? The number of spelling errors in this survey

State a fact about yourself: I know what the infield fly rule is.

What did you do today? Worked

What's a saying you scream when something bad happens? "Ah...."

Do you drink/smoke? I drink very rarely these days, I tried a cigarette a few times and never got a taste for it.

Whats one horrible thing you do? I don't do anything I'd consider horrible, but I do have some irritating habits.

What do people label you as? Most people just think I'm weird but harmless I think

What do you hate most about the opposite sex? Women tend to stress to much about their appearance

Whats your shoe size? 10 (US) 9 (UK)

Do you currently work? I'm still receiving a pay cheque

What do you miss the most? Currently, sleep.

Are you over your texts on your cellphone? I'm over cell phones and being asked about stupid text messages. I don't own one!!!!

Who do you know you can depend on? Kelly

Do you have any plans for tonight? At some point I have to take out the trash...

Rate your life from 01-10? 8, bordering on 9.

Why do people like you? I'm harmless, I don't really do anything to upset/annoy anyone and I'm reliable most of the time.

Do you take prescribed medication? No

When you turn 21 you are going to..? On my 21st birthday I went out and had a few drinks with some friends... I'd already been legally allowed to drink for 3 years by this point so it was a normal weekend really.

What are you going to do to prepare yourself for your future career? Need to go to school and get some management certificates.

Quiet weekend, worked on Saturday and then spent Sunday over my in-law's. Isabella slept through the night Friday-Sunday - which is nice. Thomas went back to school today, wasn't very happy this morning but said he had fun when he got home. He spent 45 minutes today telling me a story, that in summary is....:

* Prince William of England owns a pet Cobra that lives in Africa
* He sold it to Thomas for $30,000
* Thomas took a Plane (or maybe a train, it change a few times) to the airport in Africa and then took another train to meet Prince William and obtain said cobra
* He took the train back to America with the Cobra in tow
* The cobra is now in a glass case in his room
* A doctor has trained it not to bite anyone
* Not to worry though, it's only a pretend one so bites wouldn't hurt anyway
* Thomas already got bitten by it and he's fine.
* Next, we're getting a spider... or maybe not since nobody is scared of spiders that he knows

So, there we are. The imagination of a 5 year old who watched a documentary with me about Queen Cleopatra yesterday and remembered all about the alleged Cobra incident but very little else :)

thomas, silly, meme, family, kids

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