Apr 18, 2005 17:25

tehe! its chelsea! im on zebra's ellejay! tehe. we are having a parttayy without you-ayy, notice all the ayys? kindof like a canadian. that was my idea. im a smartie, i know.  well leave a comment because we love you.  kindof like a secret admirer thing really.....tehe just kidding!!

and dont forget people. Zapzyt is the way to go. when zits get in the way, choose Zapzyt. thats why i chose Zapzyt. AND WHAT WAS THAT STUPID VOCABULARY WORD? word? we cannot figure it out. never you mind. you are pretty confused rite now, arent you.

and us lovely ladies scarfed down a plate of  burnt bagel bites and a bag of licorice!!!! woo. u know u wanna be here. we are just soooo healthy its unbelievable. TEEHhEeee.

we must depart you darlings, mwah to all. well not all. not that jerk who left a mean comment on zebras ellejay whom i already yelled at. shame on them. and not mwah to the meanie. THE meanie.

love, chels and zeebeeeeeeeeeeeee ok from kendall.
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