And now for something completely different

May 23, 2006 12:32

Welcome faithful readers. I apologize for last weeks lack of update, but I didn’t have much going on that weekend. This past weekend however was a different story.

Friday there was a party to celebrate Sean’s graduation. We drank, played games, and just generally had a very good time. It’s nice to hang with the crew since soon things are going to change. I also did some more work on the computer Paul got from work for a buck. I convinced him to let me install linux on it, because it should run better. I think there is something wrong with the hardware in that system though as everything seems kinda jittery. I’m trying to see if I can’t frankenstien a PC together from part I know work to make this a little bit smoother. I guess this officially makes me a linux evangelist huh?

Saturday I woke up late, but thankfully not in terrible shape. I ran out and did some errands then when to club early. We had an officers meeting about our upcoming library presentations. This should be a good summer for the SOS. I love doing the library presentations, because I feel like I’m doing something positive and socially responsible by trying to educate kids about Japanese culture. Club was cool, very subdued though. I was jazzed to see Paul show up even though he felt a tad uncomfortable and left early. It still struck me as a positive sign.

After club I made my pilgrimage to the dungeon. Last week the dungeon was closed because the water in the area they are in got turned off all weekend. That was the suck to be sure. So this Saturday there were a ton of people there. I don’t know if I am just becoming jaded or it’s my imagination but there didn’t seem to be that much that was terribly interesting going on. I think the coolest thing I saw was a sub in the coffin being tortured by being blindfolded and then touched with all kinds of unusual implements. It was the first time I saw that done, and it was actually pretty fascinating. Imagine being confined in a small space and blindfolded, then touched, scratched, and pinched randomly. I have a feeling it was quite the experience. The other really cool thing is that my friend Patrick was back, having finished school. We caught up on things and generally had a good time. I had a fairly nasty headache that night so I was kind of out of it though. I didn’t end up going to the diner, I left around 2:30am. I doubt anyone went honestly. You may remember that I said I was invited to a play party in NYC this past Sunday. Well most people were going to that and wanted to get some sleep. I’m actually ticked off about that. I gave Natasha my email address so I could get the information about it. Apparently she was officially marking her girl, and well I would have loved to be there. But in the month or so since I was told about it I didn’t get any information and I made other plans. Well Saturday at the dungeon Dove came up to me and asked me about it, and I said I hadn’t heard anything. Well it seems they had an invitation for me and forgot to tell me about it that last time I was there. I’m not mad, just disappointed because if I had known I totally would have been there, but I wasn’t going to blow off my other plans. Shit happens I suppose.

Sunday was a blast. I played World of Warcraft till about 2 then left for D&D. We had a good session even though Sean’s character and my character died horrible slice and dice deaths. I went for one of my original ideas as back up (a warrior from the north who fights the good fight with a fullblade, yes essentially I am playing Guts). The sad part was when we did all of our figuring, Sean and Robin only have a few more game sessions before they leave (2 or so I think). It’s going to suck not having Sean and Robin around any more. Not just for D&D but for everyday type stuff as well. Such is the bread of an everyday life. Speaking of D&D though, we may need to ensure that the estrogen levels remain consistent. I think Paul has someone lined up to replace Robin, but even if we do, it may still be a good idea to add another female. If you are female, know me in real life and don’t mind hanging out and playing D&D every other Sunday let me know and we’ll see what happens. Yeah I know that’s like one person but still.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Katie and I had a good talk and I feel more confident than ever about our relationship. And the podcast was strange. It was like everyone suddenly woke up. We all seemed much livelier than before. We had two very cool guests, who I wouln’t talk about, but they were cool to have around. There was an unusual level of insanity this time out. I think everyone will dig it.

Speaking of podcasts real quick, it looks like I’m still on for the Happy House of Hentai podcast. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go check it out Lord K and Hello Kitty are the bomb. Anyway That’s all I got people, thank you for flying Aaron Airways. Oh and before I forget play WoW and join the Flaming Duckhole Raiders on the Thrall server!!!
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