i luv The Quills!! >.< its soooo damned GREAT! joaquine phoeinx is sooo beautiful...*sqee*
damnit its hella funny too..haha...its about the Marquis de Sade...a natorious writer who back in the day (1800's) was infamous by his dirrrrrrry stories...he was sent to a nut house cause of murder, i think...
anywayz...i went to the central library a while ago to get some of the Sade's work...but they didnt have any!!! OMFG! i couldnt believe it...but then i had a feeling the library wouldnt carry it cause it was TOO damned dirrrrrrrrty...
all they had were autobiographies on him...i read a couple.. they were kinda dirrty but not like his stories..
What Remus Lupin are you? brought to you by
Quizilla very fucked.
what fucked version of hello kittie are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Katherine...you are evil and you enjoy seducing
people, and playing mind games of course...
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