Jan 12, 2004 20:09
it's not very often that a person comes across another individual whose perception of reality is so skewered, whose political and social beliefs are so OBVIOUSLY wrong, and whose ideas of past-times are so scary. however, i managed to come across a person who fits that description when i moved into the aforementioned bauer house and became roommates with aaron and i thought i'd share a little piece of his mind with all of you. just so you know though, despite the fact that we agree on almost nothing i managed to develop a serious respect for his backward thinking ways. the following is a letter he wrote to me in regards to a new HIGH POWERED RIFLE that he recently purchased for far too much money.
"As far as the rifle goes, there are so many reasons to have it that it would take forever to write about it so I'll just list a few:
1. The ladies like it because it makes them feel secure (of course you have to get the hotties through the door so they can experience it).
2. Its just nice to know you can reach out and touch someone at 700 yards.
3. It looks a hell of a lot cooler than a $1600 vase.
4. Conversation piece.
5. If I ever need to engage multiple targets, I can eliminate a few at long range before I deal with the rest at close proximity.
6. I can drop virtually any living creature on the continent.
7. It only takes one incident to justify it."