Jun 01, 2005 22:06
heyyy everyone!
im in kentucky. im only gonna be able to upate here because i dont have a computer up north.
well i have had fun soo far. i went shopping today @ hollister & abercrombie. got a few things. im going shopping again with my cousin when i get to minnesota. we are going to the mall of america. then going to our cabin in wisonsin & towards the end of july by my birthday we are going shopping again! at the mall of america. i cant wait =]
but i miss everyone so much! i can barely take it and i have only been gone for a little while now.
well i was going out with austin. but not anymore =[
i really liked him, but i guess its for the best over summer & all.
dumbass me forgot the camera cord at my house, so now i cant put the pictures on here that i have taken soo far lol. but i picked up alllll my pictures today that i got developed after so long, they were alll on my computer. so later tonight im gonna work on my scrapbook! =]
and i cant wait til tomorrow cuz i get to go riding (the horses) lol... i wanted to go tonight but it was sprinkling. so i just brushed down all the horses. i cant wait yesss... i wish i had a horse.
okay thats about all, i will update tomorrow.
okay questions...
1] do you miss me?
2]if you could do anything with me right now, what would it be?
3]whats one thing you miss about me? (if anything)