Dry Heat: A Complaining Post

Oct 08, 2007 07:36

I've complained about this before, but alas, I'm going to complain about it again. People go on and on about dry heat. When I say people are insane for moving to Arizona because it's like (no hyperbole) 120 degrees there, people say 'but it's a dry heat'. My Dad's classic response to this is 'my oven is a dry heat, I don't want to stick my head in that either'.

Dry heat is so overrated. I really really hate it. I'd take humidity any day. Today our humidity is in the single digits. I could hardly fall asleep last night because after a drink of water, my mouth would dry out faster than I could fall asleep. I wake up with sore dry throats and bloody noses. You feel like a mummy, with all semblence of fluid drained from your head. Your dry eyes bulging in your head.

I know humidity is sticky and gross but I much prefer it. Dry heat has the best PR job of all weather so people never believe me when I say it's torture and that I prefer humidity. But trust me, it's true. Dry heat is torture. Humidity is unpleasant (although for my chronic sinusitis, it is decidedly pleasant), but is merely inconvenient.

I do have a humidifier in a box somewhere. I think I'm going to have to dig it out to get through the day.

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