This is it! It's done!

Jun 03, 2011 19:24

Title: Sweet Tyranny (9/9)
Author: zeppx 
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2435 (35,806 total)
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Jess, Jimmy/Amelia, Sarah/Gabriel
Warnings/Spoilers: none this chapter
Summary: Based off the prompt: "Give me a Dean/Cas AU. I want a firefighter!Dean, teacher!Cas...throw in some Gabriel, Jimmy, Anna and Sam/Jess along with their adorable, vomit inducing child of theirs. Give me an unremarkable first meeting and awkward shenanigans the second time around. Shake well and serve."
A/N: Yep, this is the last of it. I'm going to miss the hell out of this story...but there is the prequel! (yes, I'm doing the prequel since everyone seems very excited about it) and whenever I'm done with my big bang I'll probably do a few oneshots based in this verse. Cause I love it so much and all.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who commented and such, sorry I didn't respond to the last chapter, I've been very lazy lately.

See you at the prequel!

Continued from here

Castiel stared up at the house with a frown; it was a single story craftsman bungalow and he was beginning to wonder what the hell he had been thinking when he'd bought it.
He'd actually bought a house.

It was a decent looking house at least, cheery yellow siding with white trim and a bright red front door. He liked the red door; it reminded him of something his mother would have done. Castiel sighed, shifted the box he was holding against his hip and headed up the walkway to the porch. Dean was back at the apartment with their siblings, getting all the heavy furniture moved out and on its way to the new house.

It had only been three months since the car had hit him, he was healing fine and the doctor had removed the annoying plaster cast and placed him into a walking cast. He was just glad to be able to move around easier than before and now if Dean started hovering he could actually get up to hit him.

Castiel unlocked the front door and pushed it open, cringing at the interior of the house. As nice as the exterior was, the interior looked like something out of a horrible seventies movie set.

Along with the unbearable paint colors on the walls (peach in the living room, mustard yellow in the bathroom, wood paneling everywhere else), there was shag carpeting that was a horrendous reddish-brown with what used to be gold highlights. There was even olive green appliances to top it all off.

Castiel wanted to strangle whoever had decorated this house. He had hopes though that there were wood floors underneath the carpet; the house was old enough to have them. Castiel moved into the living room and dropped the box to the floor, the first box of many to be moved into the house. Both Gabriel and Dean had ganged up on him, claiming that since Castiel was still healing he would be doing no moving (which was okay with Castiel since he had been dreading it in the first place). So all Castiel had to do was travel to the local Lowe's to picked out new paint colors, flooring (if need be) and a completely new kitchen.

Most of which Michael would be paying for as an apology for what had happened.

Castiel nearly hadn't accepted the offer, then he'd seen the estimate for how much a new kitchen would cost. He figured it was the least Michael could do after everything Michael had done (and in some cases not done).

"Feelin' okay about this?" Castiel jumped when Dean's voice came from directly behind him. He turned to glare up at Dean who was grinning at him.


"No?" Dean's smile vanished and he frowned at Castiel who was looking around the house.

"Dean, I paid three hundred thousand dollars for shag carpeting and mustardy bathrooms! What the fuck was I thinking? I'm a third grade teacher! I can't afford-"

"Whoa! Cas, chill," Dean rested his hands on Castiel's shoulders while Castiel took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "You're not alone, I'm living here too."

"That's not helping Dean. You don't make much more than me." Castiel grumbled.

"We'll be fine Cas. Plus it's all just cosmetic stuff that needs to be changed. We've got a nice big backyard with a nice deck and a garden, a nice front yard, friendly neighbors, a garage…we'll fix the place up and it'll be great."

Castiel took another deep breath while Dean added with a chuckle, "Plus you love the red front door. No idea why, but you do."

Castiel took another deep breath and let it out slowly, "Three hundred thousand Dean."

"Big kitchen."

"Shag carpet."

"Red door."

"Peachy, mustard, wood paneled walls."


"Shag carpet."


Castiel was silent and Dean added, "Plus we can have sex in all of these rooms."

Castiel hesitated, "All of them?"

"Gotta break them in somehow."


"Okay? Figures it would be sex that calms you down." Castiel didn't mention that Dean had calmed him down with the thought of Dean living here with him. This was their home, Castiel's name may have been the only one on the papers, but this was Dean's home as much as it was his.

Castiel opened his eyes, gave Dean his best smirk, "Maybe we should start now."

"Tempting. But all your siblings are going to be here in a few minutes and I don't feel like being caught having sex with you by them. I'd get another lecture."

"Teach them to knock at least."

"You're still set on that aren't you?" Castiel grunted, turned away from Dean to examine the house again. If he managed to block out the carpet and walls he could be calm and remind himself of the three bedrooms, the big kitchen, the fireplace in the living room. It was a good house and he'd been lucky to get it at the price he had, this neighborhood in California would generally go for double what Castiel had gotten it for. The previous owners had died though and their children had just wanted to get rid of the house as soon as possible.

This was his house now, his home. One day he would raise his own children here, watch his nieces and nephews…

"Making a plan of attack?"

Castiel nodded, "Do me a favor and rip up some of this carpet up and tell me if there's decent wood floors underneath."
"And if there's not?" Dean asked, heading to the far corner.

"Michael, I'm sure will be kind enough to pay for a new floor as well." Dean chuckled, bent to pull up the carpet, "You're gonna be milking that for all it's worth."

Castiel tilted his head to the left, admiring the view that was Dean's denim clad ass, "Michael can afford it. He shouldn't have offered if he was going to be cheap about it."

Dean chuckled, "I know you're staring."

Castiel ripped his eyes away and looked out the front window, "Nonsense."

"Well, Michael is in luck, there's some nice wood under here."

"Good condition?" Castiel limped across the empty living room to where Dean was holding up the corner of the carpet, "Yeah, bit dirty but nothing some polish can't fix up."

"Good, I'll set up you manly men to rip all this shit up then."

"Gee thanks."

"Don't feel bad, I'll be taking the girls to pick out paint colors."

Dean eyed him as he straightened, "You're being very gay."

Castiel eyed him back, "Newsflash, I am gay."

"Well stereotypical gay."

"Am not."

"Just don't start lisping and waving your hands around when you run."

Castiel glared at him and turned to head outside where he could hear Gabriel and Jimmy arguing about the furniture, "See if you get laid tonight."

"Aw, c'mon. I was kidding!" Castiel flipped him off over his shoulder and headed down the porch steps.

"Cas!" Castiel grinned to himself, ignored Dean and went to greet his brothers.


Dean learned one very important lesson over the course of the following week.
Keep Cas away from Ikea at all costs.

The man could spend all day wandering around the Swedish furniture store and blow all of his money there in the process.

Their first trip there had resulted in Cas buying a whole new bedroom set for their room and Anna's room, a new couch and chair, a desk and closet organizers.

The second time was a few days later when Cas decided he wanted to check out their cabinet selection. He bought the cupboards and cabinets and thankfully decided against the kitchen appliances there in favor of the more 'professional' ones he had his eye on elsewhere. It also ended with them wandering around again like they hadn't just been there a few days before and Cas hadn't seen it all then.

Ridiculous amounts of bedding and carpets, curtains and pillows had been purchased then as well, along with other decorative accessories.

Dean was seriously worried about the balance of Cas' bank account, especially since Cas hadn't been able to work over the summer like he usually did. Thankfully though, Michael pulled through and a check was written for the amount the kitchen had cost. Dean spent the days following that check being deposited talking Cas out of going back to Ikea to see if he had missed anything they might need.

The paint department at Lowe's knew Cas by his first name at the end of that first week as well. They'd all even gone out for drinks at one point. Dean didn't even know what to think about that.

The house slowly came together though, and since they had moved out of the apartment when Cas' lease had been up, they'd been living with Sam for those weeks. It was crowded but no one really minded since they only slept after having spent all day working on the house.

When they finally did spend their first night in their new house, it was on an air mattress in the middle of the living room. Which ended up on the other side of the room come morning due to some vigorous movements made by the two of them.

The ugly shag carpet had been pulled up, nails had been removed and the floor underneath had been cleaned and polished and resealed and returned to it's original dark maple wood that Dean could appreciate.

Gone was the peach paint in the living room, replaced with the grayish-blue Cas had settled on, the kitchen was a warm golden color, their bedroom was a deep, rich red while the other two bedrooms were a light green. Cas had locked himself away in the bathroom for three days to lay out a mosaic in blue and green glass tiles that covered the floor and walls that ended up looking like a professional had done it.

There wasn't an olive green appliance in sight either.

The house looked amazing, Dean had joked it looked like one of the showrooms they'd wandered through on their trips to Ikea, which actually made sense since most of the house was furnished with Ikea furniture.

Cas was happy with it all though, which made Dean happy. Plus Cas had let Dean do whatever he'd wanted with the backyard.
They spent Cas' birthday christening every single one of those rooms.

The new school year started which thankfully kept Cas busy; Dean had learned that a Cas without some kind of project to focus his energy on was a dangerous Cas.

Cas learned his new and thankfully less crazy students over the weeks. Riley hung out with him every day until Jess came to pick him up and Cas would come home to Dean.

Gabriel and Sarah moved in together and soon after Gabriel opened up a second shop a few towns over. Dean could still remember the series of hysterical phone calls Cas had received in the middle of the night during that whole month long process.

Dean spent his and Cas' one-year anniversary in a 'mood' since he had convinced himself he was going to ruin everything any day now. He'd never had a relationship last as long as this one and he was looking forward to it lasting as long as it could. Cas simply rolled his eyes at Dean, got him drunk and fucked him stupid on the deck.

Jimmy and Amelia entertained the idea of maybe trying for a second baby. They quickly changed their minds when Claire brought home her first boyfriend and received her driver's permit in the same week.

Sam and Jess did start working on a second baby and were successful in an amazingly short time. Cas could still remember the series of hysterical phone calls from Sam when he'd found out.

Dean got Cas a black lab puppy named Dallas for Christmas. Cas got him a hot tub for the backyard.

They rang in the New Year with just the two of them in their home. Many orgasms were had, so neither could complain too much.
Dean celebrated his birthday at work. That was until they received a call that took them out to Dean's neighborhood. Dean had his moment of sheer panic when he spotted Cas sitting out on the curb, Dallas sitting beside him.

Dean was out of the truck and over to Cas before it had even been parked, "Cas! What happened? You okay?"

"Relax Dean, I'm fine." Dean looked him over, judged that he was indeed fine then turned his attention to the house, expecting to see flames or smoke or something catastrophic. Nothing was wrong though, the windows were lit up and he could hear music coming from the backyard.

"Then…what's…" Bobby came up behind Dean, clapped a hand to his shoulder, "Shouldn't spend your birthday working Dean."


"Jo is already coming in to cover for you. Celebrate, have fun!" Dean blinked stupidly at Bobby who grinned, turned and left him standing there in his turnout gear, Cas grinning up at him.

"Cas…what the hell?"

Cas shrugged, grinned some more, "Bobby said he'd go along with it if you guys weren't busy. I figured you wouldn't want to spend your birthday working."

Dean was still slightly confused as to what had just happened.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting."


"Jimmy made hamburgers, Gabriel made you a cake. Sam brought the beer. Come inside, change." Cas took Dean's hand and dragged him towards the front door, Dallas bounding ahead of them. When Dean had stripped out of his gear and into more comfortable clothes, he grabbed Cas around the waist and kissed him hard, "I love you, you know."

"Love you too Dean." Dean kissed him again and smiled when Cas wrapped around him like the world's biggest, most awkward octopus.

"You didn't have to do this for me Cas."

"I know," Cas gave him a squeeze and pulled away, "But I wanted to. Now come on, there's a beer with your name on it waiting for you."

Dean grinned and allowed himself to be pulled through the house and into the backyard where everyone was waiting for him.

Dean really couldn't have imagined his life turning out like this. He certainly wasn't going to complain though, especially when he had some of the best birthday sex ever later that night.

"This is home, now I'm finally where I belong
I've been searching for a place of my own
Now I've found it, yeah this is home."
                        This is Home - Switchfoot

The Prequel

fic: sweet tyranny, i have no life, supernatural fic, writing is hard, dean/cas is taking over my brain

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