sorry for the long update

Jun 13, 2006 19:20

I AM OFFICIALLY BACK ON THE INTERNET!!! YESSSSSSSS! i am so freakin excited!!!!! oh internet, how i've missed you!! *internet hugs*

ok so personal update and then im gonna update Things Change right after this post.

the other night ian and i were in bed (no this isnt gonna be a gross story) and he wanted a back scratch and i was tired so he sat next to me while i laid down and scratched his back and i started saying how he has weird back hair...
me: dont u have like, spots on ur face where ur hair doesnt grow?
ian: no... i dont think so...
me: we could call you patchy... patchy the pirate... we could get u an eye patch.......... arg! <-pirate voice
ian: ok thats enough! *rolls over and goes to sleep*

lmao i laugh so hard when i think of that.
and then yesterday i had a totally weird House 'Things Change' moment, i was at a diner with chrissy and monica (and ian and monica's fiance) and chrissy was showing monica pix of her brother's kids or something and she was like "yup, thats one's Cameron and that one's Aiden" i was like 'no fuckin way, cameron and aiden!!!'

and then yesterday at work i felt like such an idiot. i was helping melissa with a dog that had dental surgery and i guess they pulled a tooth out that was up in its nasal cavity or something and so they dog started blowing blood out of his nose (i didnt find it gross at all, i mean it was gross but not like 'omg that is so gross, im gonna be sick') and i was helping her get him into the kennel to lay him down and i was wiping the dog's nose and stuff trying to keep him clean..
and then my stomach hurt for a second and then my shoulders and neck and the sides of my face got all hot and my head started pounding and everything started to get dark and then my hearing started to stop working and i was still helping her with the dog and then she was putting the dog in the cage to lay down (cuz this was a big dog, it was a boxer) and i was standing right there holding the fluid bag, and i was getting weak and starting to bend over cuz i couldnt keep myself up and she said something and i couldnt hear her and then i said "im about to black out" and she said "ohhh, nooo..." and then i went and sat down like 5 ft from her, against the wall and she couldnt get to the door cuz she was trying to get the dog to stop bleeding so this is what happened:

melissa: Debbie!!! Dr. G!!!!! .... *knocks over garbage can to get their attention which does not work at all*... *leans really far to the door and opens it a crack* DR G!!
DG: *runs in* whats wrong?
Melissa: This dog is bleeding and corey's about to pass out
DG: oh god ok, Debbie! we need u in here!
Debbie: whats going on?
DG: help corey, shes about to pass out
Debbie: *at my request gets a wet rag*
so on and so forth, one of the receptionists questioning me about being pregnant which, seriously, if i got pregnant from the last time i had sex, id be showing by now (poor ian)

so yeah, fun filled last few days. monica said that i'm the only person she knows that would keep helping up until the time i fall over lol. ok off to update things change.
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