because im bored, and i dont really want to get up and move stuff around yet, here are some movie things im not gonna put behind a cut cuz i dont think ppl read it if its behind a cut. we'll see how that theory goes...
musings on movies meme:
Have you ever gone to see a film that you didn't think you would care for that you now like a lot? Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone. i thought it was gonna be the dumbest thing ever, but it was AWESOME!
How do you feel about nudity in films? Does the potential nudity content affect whether or not you will see a movie? Have you ever seen a movie that you would have liked better if it had less nudity in it?i'm not really sure about nudity in films, i think it depends on how gratuitous it is and who's getting naked. Maybe Baby was an excellent movie even though you didnt really "see" anything. usually its the girls getting naked though, and im not into that.
What are some of your favorite science fiction movies? What sci-fi films do you not like at all? Do you tend to watch a lot of sci-fi movies or do you try to avoid them? does X-Men count as sci-fi because those movies ROCK! i havent seen the third one yet though =( i think the movies on the sci-fi channel are pretty stupid. they look really fake! i'll watch anything if it looks good.
What book are you currently reading? What's stacked on your night stand waiting to be read next? im currently reading: Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. i have to finish The Prophet of Yonwood by Jeanne DePrau and next to be read is Startled By His Furry Shorts by Louise Rennison. i also have Amandine by Adele Griffin on the way to my house.
You've been given 3 parachutes, but there are 4 people who need them. Who will you not give one to: Brad Pitt, Heath Ledger, Hugh Jackman, or Johnny Depp? Hugh Jackman (or to jen its Jack Hughman *teehee*) and Johnny Depp are obvious. hmm.. Brad Pitt is kind of hot but so is Heath Ledger.. i'll have to give the last one to Heath.
What is the best war movie of all time? what's the one with Mel Gibson? not braveheart but the other one where Heath Ledger is his son? that one is awesome.
While channel surfing, what movie will you always stop to watch if it's on? its really sad to say but i've done this a lot with New York Minute but usually nothing else is on. its a pretty funny movie *hangs head in shame*
What is your favorite breakfast cereal from childhood? What is your favorite now? when i was a kid, i loved Cinnamin Toast Crunch, but now my favorites are Kix and Rice Krispie Treat cereal.
If you had the chance to spend the day being someone else, would you? Who would you be? uh duh, i'd be jennifer morrison on a taping day of House. and i would be a good actress and i could 'accidentally' walk in on Hugh in his trailer while hes changing and seduce him.... what were we talking about?
What is the best compliment that you've ever received? Who was it from? i get complimented on my eyes a lot, people thinking im wearing color contacts... but the one that i'll always remember even though its a weird compliment is one day that Mr McMurray said i have the most expressive speaking voice he'd ever heard. like, i cant really explain what that meant but i know what he meant.
What kind of cake do you have for your birthday? Who makes your cake? when i was younger, we used to have vanilla confetti cake every year with confetti frosting it was SO GOOD. we had it every year. now we (i say we cuz its me and my twin sis) usually have ice cream cake which she makes, its the bomb.
What is the most useless thing you have in your wallet? Harry Potter's membership to BJ's Wholesale club hehehe. i had it made when i worked there lol.
You're working on a national advertising campaign to get people to eat more ice cream. What will your campaign slogan be? eat some icecream damnit, you know you want to!
Sometimes whistles blow to warn us or get our attention. When would you most like to have a whistle blow to alert you? when to stop talking.
What name do people mistake your name for the most? ive been getting Gloria a lot lately. i've had Courtney too.
What aspect of your daily routine do you look forward to the most? getting into bed and writing in my fics; i cant write until nighttime when its completely quiet. and then i read until i fall asleep.