I've finally, after talking about it for months... years .... decades... been working hard to overcome my inate shyness and jam my camera in people's faces in public. For years I saw things I wanted to shoot and couldn't lift the camera. Now, I force myself to.
And, surprise surprise, thus far the sky hasn't fallen, people haven't generally been confrontational, and I've started to get a bit more comfortable with the whole process. It still feels weird though....
And, after back-to-back protests on the Hill of the Sikhs still looking for some accountability for the '84 massacre. and the Tibetans wanting China out of this country, I have come to the inescapable conculsion that us Euro-derived North Americans need to step it up in the "colourfull" department.
The Sikhs especially know how to plan a protest - complete with wheeling up a complete mobile kitchen onto the fron lawn of Parliament from which the most wonderfull aromas of safron and various curries emanated.
Yes, I had seconds - plus a wonderfull chat with the old man in the B&W protest to try and understand the precepts of Sikhism a bit better. There are so many cultures in this world, and every time I learn a bit more about one - it is like learning to see the world in a new way. Plus, without understaning you cannot have empathy for others. At best, you can have sympathy - which is not exactly the same thing.