Easter Entry

Mar 27, 2005 16:08

100 Things You May OR May Not Know About Me (either way you probably don't care but come on some of them are really funny)
1. I do dance stupidly but I do do it.
2. I do sing as well badly but I do do it.
3. I love talking on the phone... IDK why...
4. I am a klepto
5. I can't spell
6. I like ot make people laugh
7. I can be a real asshole
8. I make fun of others because i think its funny
9. I can be a really good friend at times
10. I was really bored so II decided to do this
11. I love books by Bently Little
12. I actually do like playiong my trumpet
13. I don't care about my NYSSMA solo
14. I like playing the guiitar...badly
15. Who else hangs out with their cousins every day... me
16. My cousins have some really kewl friends
17. I love talking about other peopel with Angie lol
18. Me/Nicole/ and Britt can have some awsome serious convos sometimes.
19. I almost cried when I got a B once.
20. Nicole made me cry once
21. I hit Allison in the face with my backpack and made her get a nosebleed she still gets in kindergarten...HA HA
22. I lie way too much.
23. I cheat but feel guilty about it.
24. I hate having big family gatherings.
25. I want to loose weight.
26. I dopn't know if i should say loose or lose...
27. I'm not as smart as I say I am
28. Half the clubs I am in are because they look good.
29. Half the classes I am taking are becauae they look good.
30. My name is not always Anthony
31. I am very nosey.
32. I like to be in control.
33. I do a lot of stupid things.....
34. I eat way to much crap
35. Clothes shopping makes me really sick.
36. I've cried in movies
38. I dislike a lot of people.....
39. I hate it when people cry around me because I don't know what to say.
40. I hate watching sports.
41. I like playing them... just not on school teams or anything liek that.
42. iamsuchasukker is from a fall out boy song
43. I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!!
44. I have no pets and besides a dogs prettyy much hate most animals.
45. I don't understand vegans/vegitarians....
46. I don't understand suicidal people
47. My little sister is autistic
48. I wanna be a lawyer... maybe a judge.
49. I don't believe in god....
50. I do not have a problem with any race/religion/sex/or anything like that even though i act like i do and i mean i rerally do act like it.
51. I love robotics...
52. I am waiting for Godot... lol allison.
53. I love making jokes about britt and stuff revolving around her.... creature form the black algoon.
54. I do have a crush....
55. I love going ot other countries.
56. I love doing dangerous things (i.e. jumping off balconies, climbing on the ledges of 3 story buildings, and walking on frozen lakes, etc.)
57. I passed out when Nicole tried to pierce my ear.
58. I am 100% italian
59. I have atleast a 4.0 in school
60. I am failing gym because as al;l my friends know I stay home from school wheneveri feel like it and have one to many absences...(the spelling one again)
61. I love listening to music....
62. I love playing DDR with Nicole and Britt
63. I am a middle child and play the steryotypical role very well.
64. I like to drink alcohol a little too much.
65. Despite what people may think I have never been drunk just buzzed...
66. I used to be a bed wetter.... just thought I'd put taht in...
67. I feel cool when I am in livejournals and myspace things...
68. I like getting candles at peoples Sweet 16's
69. I have had a crush on a lot of Maria's friends...
70. I don't believe in love out of high schoolo for me atleast I know it happens but I know it won't and don't want it to for me...
71. I love taking walks with Britt.
72. I hang out with the same people all the time...
73. I AM A COUSIN DITCHER but I come in second.
74. I hate incest... lol ( inside joke )
75. I wanna be my cousin Melissa almost... minus the vagina...
76. I am going to a great college.
77. I am beating Melissa in life right now
78. I don't ahve a real job yet because of Felicia.
79. I don't have a permit.
81. I love being an instigator.
82. I am THE devil's advocate.... I am a walking contradiction..
83. I love akward silences...
84. My favorite number is nine.
85. My favorite movie is Peter Pan.
86. I always rearrange my room.
87. i am a neat freak.
88. I fell and got my head cracked open and needed stiches.
89. I never broke a bone.
90. i do a decent stradle.
91. Clothes shopping makes me physically sick.
92. My favorite color is orange (refer to number 75...)
93. I have huge feet, like i could float a baby in my shoe.
94. i love talking about elementary school with Nino.
95. I love watching Barney with Felicia.
96. I love the power rangers, Jason to be exact...
97. I have a study buddy and a smart buddy
98. I DO help clear the table and clean with Toni-Anne
99. Cousins Cranium IS SO PRIMO......
100. I Have to complete my "List Of Thing To Do Before I Die" before I die.

Ok that's over hope you got a kick out of it leave a comment or something
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