
Aug 11, 2004 08:40

Ok my two cousins melissa and ta came over yesterday and ta brought her bf. they came over for dinner but they cooked it and everything and it was fun i had gone to walmart with my cousin tone and its just like whenever im with her we meet the weirdest people or atleast see. there was this lady in front of us with all this white hair on the back of her shirt like all over and then in the bottom corner there was this huge clump of hair it was gross!!! IT LOOKED LIKE A SKINNED RAT...Then after that we had gotton home and noticed that on both since on my street... my street is spelt wrong. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!! They spelt it wrong on both sides. They spelt iot Forest Ave. which pisses me off cause it's not Forest it's Forrest so I tried to go add in an R with a magic marker i mean i was just fixing it but the sign s so high i mean i brought a folding chair out to the corner of middle country road and I could't reach it. I'm still mad about that. Moving on After that we ate and then we had dessert and then me and my cousin tone had to clean since maria and my cous melissa cooked which was crap that we had to clean but w/e. After that we played cranium. It's so much fun like sometimes you act things out like for my quadruple bipass, i acted that out. Then sometimes you hum things and other times you draw or draw with your eyes closed or shape things out of clay. That game is so much fun I think it's our new favorite game. i mean we used to love catch phrase the best (not the band ) and I still love that game but I like this one cause it had the same stuff as catch phrase but more. Britt has catch phrase i wanna play that with nicole and btritt although well need a 4th person. maybe chris. anyway after all the fun of cranium they went home and i went to bed. ttyl.
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