Aug 08, 2004 12:16
Yesterday was a lot a lot of fun I went to kristen's block party and just like had so much fubn. it was me colleen jeanna kristen amanda george and danielle. It was great we got her little brother to lick things liek the street and bikes and we danced and ran around. we went to the park. we looked at the cklouds. we had a chalk war which me and amanda kicked ass in behold the champions. kristen had like 80 milliong colors on her back. we drew the evil eye, we raced. we sang greece lol it was gereat we had those light things the neon things and we broke tem oppen on the floor and let the toxic stuff pour out we also made a huge circle one for a little girl who wanted one. we saw m and m or magic mike and i let out some of his secrets. we well not we danielle and jeanna went down the water slide which was funny to watch. um we skipped along the block and pretending we were wizard of oz characters. we had food desert. watermellobn rolls. um there was so much stuff we did we got sprayed with decaying gummy bear spray and um various other ones we locked people out of kristens bedroom and i held the door as her little brother tried to kick it ope and almost succeded in it. we petted coco and also almost got bit by her. i got smaked by like everyone multiple time. we found out that the raffle was rigged. whats with the 88 RIGGED FIXED lol ok and um. we did stratles and kick luines and kristens dad took pictures. um what else hmmm we heard the dirty underwear story. found out kristens brother went to school with adrien brody and that the kristenness runs in the family. we called her house over and over again annoying her mom. um i dont know what else oh m c hammer and ice ice baby. and the chicken dance and K on the trees and stuff with the i think tahts everything but all in all it was a really really fun day too bad allison and marco missed it and um too bad george left early and colleen whatever that senior or coaches names are they are complete bitches and i ahte them and you kick ass in that challenge. yeah. ok well ttyl.