Feb 15, 2007 12:09
Ok, so, after some serious evaluation of the practicality of the double major I'm considering (English/Music) and in light of the fact that apparently majoring and minoring in music has about the same amount of requirements (that is, until senior year), I think I am going to go for it. If it's too hard, I can always switch. Plus, I can go abroad to Northern Italy (Tuscany region) to study voice and I think that would be awesome and fulfill requirements. I know that this is a really difficult thing to do, and not many people double, but I think it's doable. It'll be a lot of work, which will probably stress me out unduly at times--but I think it's necessary. I cannot just major in music because I just find that impractical. I want to go to grad school, and if I am going to a music grad school I want to go to New York. I don't know exactly where (haha, ideally Julliard or some such place...but that's not a logical choice because it is impossssible to get in there. I just don't think I could. I might have a slight chance, but my dad's right. Applying and getting in there is like trying out for the Yankees and getting in).
I guess I just feel like, double majoring is going to mean I spend a lot more time with my nose in a book than out and about. Which kinda sucks because I think going out and having fun and experiencing life is a vital part of college. We're only in our 20s once and then once we're in our 30s job security and respectability and such are vastly more important. So yeah. I don't want to squander what's left of my youthful years.
Anyway, the beauty of a liberal arts college is that I don't have to stick to my major if I don't want to. Obviously, if I really want to switch, I'll need to seriously strategize so I can get all of the requirements fulfilled, but I mean, it should be ok. Right? Right. Err, I hope!