Jun 11, 2005 21:10
WOOT! i put in my application for barns and noble today , and im praying that i get to work there in the coffee shop or in the music . Today I talked to susan and im dying to see my friends i feel like a loner lol. I also got back my pictures and every p[icture of me and andrew is seriously precious. But my mom is killing my soul about getting with one of the rhorer boys and as much as i want to she doesnt understand that they also have to be willing . EESH lol . But today has been a good day never the less and i think im gonna go buy the doors movie tomorrow at walmart for $ 7.50 , yeah i know theyres a doors movie , i guess i missed the bus on that one.lol so im devoting tonight to my feet , they will be beautiful ! :D ok well im gonna go paint my toes
love ya lots
God Bless