Well, I can't wait for Saturday to come! That's when I will be setting off for my village and I'm gonna stay there until August 23rd (Keith Moon's birthday! XD) So no LJ as the internet sucks and yay at life! :D
You know what I've been missing so much? Having a Freddo! I'm sick of going out for a coffee and ALWAYS having to order an orange juice, because of my birth control medication I've been for 6 months! Yeah, I cannot drink coffee without sugar after all! In a few days the medication ends, so there will be no problem! Of course this does not mean I will overindulge or what (I LOOOOOOVE my new slim figure too much :P) but I will be able to have a coffee every now and then, geez!
Well, well, I've seen the upcoming August birthdays...OMFG MANY OF MY LJ AND REAL LIFE FRIENDS ARE LEOS!!!! WTF is going on? I've always realized that I have a ...karmic link with that sign, but...but that's amazing!! Two of my village friends are having their birthday on the 18th and the 19th, so...yay birthday parties!! :D
I'll miss ALL the August birthdays here on LJ and Robert's ones (bummer, bummer! D:) But, at least, I'm here for my new crush's :P birthday....
I don't think many people of my f-list would care about this...
Well, well, it's the day before the last entry until my holidays...Weird, eh? But, yay, I've started preparing some stuff for the journey!
And, yay, that's all for now, girls!! :D