Yay, the Linguistics exam results came out and I got an A! Yippie!! Furthermore, I met my friend Eva (yep, that Led Zep freak) once again! She told me: "My God, wow! Did you know that you have a Robert 'vibe'? I don't know how I get this impression, but you have it!" O RLY? Wow, I think that's THE BEST COMPLIMENT I'VE EVER HEARD! Haha, who needs some motherfucking immature idiots with compliments like that? ;-) I curled up my hair, as usual, this afternoon (as straightening my hair didn't work too well XD) and I felt much better! Yes, curly hair can be sexy and Robert first proved that! BTW, while trying to appease my pain yesterday, I watched 'The Rain Song' from TSRTS on YouTube, as I didn't have time to watch the whole movie (though, fuck, I wanted it so much! And, yay, on Ester holiday I WILL reach the 50 times, lolololol!!) and, yay, Robert's sequence distracted me...Ah, Robert you heal it all!! Today, Odusseia, as I spoke coldly to her, asked me: "Gina, is there something wrong?" "No, who told you this?" Haha, she seemingly was trying to make me reveal that the whole thing hurt me , but I will NEVER EVER!
And off to a survey from
contourWhere were you last night?
At home, as usual, though being a bit frustrated for some reason!
What is today's date?
April 15th. Why do you ask?
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
My immaturemotherfuckingidiot ex-crush!
When you're at the store do you use the self checkout?
I've never noticed something like that in Greek stores, so...
Anyone crushing on you?
Maybe...I don't know, there's always chances! :D
What is your relationship status?
Single, and happy for that! ;-)
Has anyone ever sang to you?
Haha, yes! My cousin!
Has anyone ever given you roses?
Uh, no!! I don't think that roses are very essential to showing, but it's good as a gesture!
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
At first, I'd get panicked, but then I'd do my best! It's survival, after all!
How do you make your money?
I don't work yet, so I get it from my parents! However, I'd love to make money through MY work, but my parents won't let me do it until I end Uni.
What is your favorite color?
Well, I can't choose between blue or silver.
What color are your eyes?
What is a compliment you receive often?
"You have very wonderful eyes", "You've been thinner", "I'm digging that ring", "Your hair looks very good... (O RLY?)
How tall are you?:
I'm 5'.
Why did your last relationship end?
Because he refused to go out with me!
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
I prefer to say it face-to-face!!
Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Maybe sleeping, though I'm not one who sleeps much!
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
It's mixed. Maybe I look more like my mum and my aunt!
Happiest moment of 2008 so far?
I had some fun, but I think there are still better days to come!
What woke you up this morning?
My mobile.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
When is the last time you saw your crush?
I saw my (ex-)crush today, but I didn't speak to him, haha! He deserves that coldness of me after he did all this!
Who can you tell anything to?
My sister, definitely.
Do you know anyone named Peter?
Who is your last phone call with?
Faye, this morning.
Who texted you last?
Rodia, to ask me something about the Uni books.
How’s life?
Still improving, full of blessings in disguise.
Last time you cried?
6 months ago...
It was my grandpa's funeral....
Have you ever thrown up?
When I was 12, due to a stomach infection, but, thank God, nothing beyond that.
When was the first kiss you had with the last person you kissed?
March 18, 2007.
Do you love anyone who has a name that starts with L?
Lela, my sister!
Are you happy?
Well, yep!
Are you excited about anything?
My grade on my Linguistics exam, and the compliment!
What makes you happy in life?
My family, my friends, Internet, Led Zeppelin (and especially Robert) and, generally...LIFE!
What is your middle name?
I don't have one.
When is your birthday?
July 12th.
Have you ever took medicine that wasn't prescribed to you?
Well, some pills for the headache, nothing else!
Are you surprised about something?
For what happened yesterday...I was negatively surprised.
Do you like anyone?
Well, does Robert count? XD
What's the worst thing about hugs?
If they don't hug me because they feel so, but it's hypocridsy (yeah, I've experienced that), then...
Did any particular thing brighten up your day today?
The grade in Linguistics and THE compliment!
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
I have slipped off the stairs twice in a row! XD
What was the last thing that made you smile?
THE compliment!
Someone trips in front of you, what do you do?
I ask if they're well and smile, if it's not serious.
A person says they like you, you say:
It depends on the person, hehe!!
Do you like cuddling?
What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was on the 9th dream, haha!
Did you date anyone this past summer?
Nope, though I played in the field. I flirted with a bunch of guys.
Who was the last friend in your house?
How's your ex doing?
I haven't talked to him since, so...
Is there someone you want to fight?
Haha, I'd slap someone but I won't give 'em the ...pleasure! XD
What color shirt were you wearing when your last kiss took place?
A purple top with a golden lion print on it.
Song playing right now?
Led Zeppelin-The Rain Song (from TSRTS)
What are you thinking about right now?
Various stuff, but I'm too bored to write it all now!
What were you doing an hour ago?
This and the internet.
Where were you friday night?
At home.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else?
Next vacation you're going on?
On my village for Easter.
What's something you really want right now, be honest?
To rewatch "The Rain Song" video, just for Robert's sexyness! XD
Tomorrow, I have to wake up very early, as I have to get a blood test. I'm not afraid of needles
and all that kinda stuff, but, yay, I hate that waking up without eating a thing! But, yay, I'm gonna go to Uni tomorrow! Blech, I'm bored...pfffttt!!