Mar 31, 2008 19:50
Oh, well, I went to Uni today! After waiting in the queue, I finally managed to renew my monthly card for free public transport use! After 3 hours of Ancient Greek, we had a 2-hour break. After that, I greeted Chrysanthus, who had just returned to Uni from home. Where was the problem? When at his home, he cooked, and his clothes were smelling a bit ...smoky!! When Odusseia and I mentioned it to him, giggling like idiots, he yelled, a bit shocked: "OMG, OMG! Does it smell THAT awfully?" It seems that he hadn't realized that!! After a while, all of his friends asked him to take off the smelly jacket to smell it, ROFLMAO!! Furthermore, Odusseia wanted to have fun with Chrysanthus and she jokingly told him that I wanted to become an emo(remember my photo with the emo-ish look and you'll understand!)!! You could imagine how Chrysanthus looked at me, until I finally said that she was joking and he eventually laughed!
Tomorrow I have only a 3-hour Modern Greek Litterature course! It will the first one in this semester that I will (thank God!) attend, as in all Tuesdays I was having ...hindrances!!
Furthermore, tomorrow I have to take a book for my Ancient Greek lesson in Uni. That's too tiring!!
Who wakes up at 7 am? Baaaaahhhhhh, I'm fucking bored, but still amused!
first time in course,
everyday life,
having fun,
smelly jacket,