Today was such a crazy day!! Well, I was studying while our neighbours on the upper floor started playing music TOO LOUD!! This family is utterly crazy...My God, how can you switch from Aerosmith to hip-hop and trance at a moment's notice? Heaven knows!! Not only that, these neighbours are really ridiculously noisy! While your nerves have become stretched, then you can't help, but laugh! Especially, hearing Costas, the older son of this family yelling with a-not-so-elegant voice: "The same meal, AGAIN? I'm gonna order some take-out, then!" Or when he sings along...GUH!!
That's not singing, it's ...MURDER!! Now that I'm writing this, Costas keeps singing, or better...YELLING!
I'm thinking of doing a second journal, in which I will include ONLY my fics! Don't worry, I won't delete my journal UNTIL LJ BLOWS UP!!! Of course, my
zeppelinakias journal will stay here and be constantly updated, as usual and will remain the main one! To read my fics, you will just have to friend the new journal! Nothing is gonna change!! But I don't know what the username in this new journal will be...However, I'm sure I will do it something Robert Plant related...What would you say?