Pictures from CIY!

Jul 06, 2004 16:56

I've got pictures from church camp (known as CIY or Christ in Youth). The most amazing part of the whole week was that I was baptized on July 1st! It was such an awesome experience. I finally was able to take my faith to the next level, and Kristi (my leader whom I adore) and Joette baptized me. On that same day, we also went white water rafting! Such a cool activity! I got soaked. And the water was freezing. It had to be no warmer than 50 degrees or so. Crazy. I'm not used to that!

Okay. Enough with the yakking. Now for some pictures!

(from left going clockwise): Jared, Autumn, Meghann, Kristin, Cruz, Carly, and me.

These were the hotties Eric (left) and Tanner (right) from Lubbock, Texas that I hung out with for quite a while on Friday. They were only 15...such a shame. Tanner was so hilarious. And I have tha same Jimi Hendrix shirt! We were destined to hang out.

This is a picture of most of the girls in my group on our "Ice Cream Night" on Thursday. Kristi (in the back with the grey sweatshirt on) hijacked the van keys and we drove to Alberton's and bought $21 worth of icecream. It was the greatest time. Ever. We were hungry, but the main reason we did this was because Kristin's boyfriend, Cruz, broke up with her after 6 months that day. So sad. Poor girl.

This is a picture of me with the random deer statues at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado, where CIY was held this year. So least I thought it was.
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