May 08, 2005 16:00
Today seems to be dragggging on minute by minute. Quiet a bit went on. First of all i was on the phone with gustavo from like 2-7 in the morning, went to bed around 7:30 then i woke up at 11 b/c my mom was coming. It was fun, even though she wasnt involved. We sang karoke and danced to reggae and latin music, candilyn was taking pictures of us dancing. Then we had dinner and my mom fell ASLEEP! Then i went to alexis and talked to her, then back here talked to gu, then outside and talked to eric. Here i am now and its still only 7. I wish today was over. Richards mad at me, dont wanna talk about that. I wrote gustavo a poem, i thought it was nice because of all the nice things hes done about me.Im really glad he liked it, i thought he might think it was corny, its the first poem i ever wrote to a guy that wasnt about hating him. I love gustavo sooo much we're going to be together for a looong time. He's so perfect:) :)