look at my king all dressed in red

Feb 05, 2010 18:28

A happy belated Imbolc to all who celebrated it!

That groundhog was not lying this year. We had a good four inches down in DC on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, and I must say, I need to catch the end of snowfalls more often. I walked to class about an hour after it stopped, and everything was just perfectly frosted. I mean, perfectly. The snow held the shape of the branches, it made little peaks on roofs, the sky was still overcast and just made everything totally white. Every now and then there was a breeze that would shake loose little thwaps of snow. (I call them thwaps because they would plop down on you with a thwap.) By noon the sun was out and everything was melty and dismal and weirdly temperatured, but the morning was brilliant. I almost skipped class to take photos.

And now tonight and tomorrow we're supposed to get a ton more, and then Tuesday/Wednesday as well. Damn, nature!

I'm at home for the weekend, originally for my brother's engagement party, but since they have canceled in anticipation of snow, I'm just chilling (ha! get it) until sweet deals come along. (P.S. I don't think I posted on here about this yet, but he asked me to be one of his groomsmen! I am flattered and excited by this. ^___^) Wednesday we went (of course) to Nocturne, and last night to 12th Air for some hanging out business. This girl pulled me aside and said, "I KNOW YOUR FACE," which was really confusing. It turns out she went to Eustace; she was in the class of '04, and I really never would have known who she was if she didn't point herself out. Then we went to IHOP at 2 in the morning and caused some mayhem.

Anyway, for the next 36 hours I figure I'll be intensely bored, should probably work on my conference presentation some more, do the pile of reading I have to finish, and study some Arabic. I'm thinking about Valentine's Day too. Every year I feel like I have a different reaction to it and how I should approach it. I would want to do something with The Fellow, obvs, but do I want to go the cheesy romantic route or the "this is a Hallmark hoax" non-observance of the holiday? I'd rather pick some other random day of the year to be foolishly romantic and cutesy and everything. Maybe like May 17th or something. That one's not spoken for yet, as far as I know.

According to Wikipedia, 5/17 is the Irish National Famine Memorial Day. What says romance better!
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