Oh my god I'm thrillified. Tomorrow is the first day of classes. So far today I have:
- walked the 3 miles from American (where I am staying with
the_orange_lady) to GU
- met with my advisor about the classes I've chosen, goals for the program, etc.
- actually registered for the classes (now it is Official: Ethnography of Communication, Language and Identity, Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Sociolinguistic Variation)
- went down to Financial Aid and trashed the place (or, well, talked very animatedly) until they disbursed my loan money
- spoke to the realtor and set up a time to go over/sign the lease tomorrow
- went to the bookstore and got my boox (though I may return them and spring for half.com)
- walked the length of Georgetown for cash, Express (to pay off my card), and lunch
- ran into James (Herrera (of C(ollege)A(venue)P(layers))), who is also going here!
- walked back to the campus to connect to Internet and chillax
...which is where I am now. And it's not even 1:30 yet. Go productivity!
rauduskoivu ignominiously tagged me for a survey, so, umm, here it is!
If you've been tagged, you must may write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people if you want to. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
What are five movies that you absolutely love?
I love more than five, but I will pick five at random from my favorites? Erm. American Beauty, I Heart Huckabees, Magnolia, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Have you ever gone overseas to visit another country?
UK, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Morocco? And Canada, but that did not involve crossing any seas.
What kind of magazines do you read?
My grandfather used to renew my subscription to National Geographic every year for Christmas since I was a kid. Since he died, I haven't felt right getting it on my own, but I still read it when the opportunity presents itself, along with whatever else happens to be lying around. I have a weakness for French gay life mags (specifically Tetu and Pref).
What's your occupation?
As of today? Full-time student?
What's really creepy?
What are two subjects that you find fascinating?
1. color lexemes across language
2. the origins and vicissitudes of mythological literature
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I got over my Britain's Got Talent fix, and I'm weaning myself off of True Blood. Geeky as it sounds, probably writing poetry.
What are you listening to right now?
People talking and passing. My fingers clacking on the keyboard.
What are you most excited for?
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Oh man, there's so many. OK, in order (because there's an order): Facebook, LiveJournal, WordPress/poetry sites, Yahoo (both accounts), GMail (both accounts), Myspace if I have time, comix if I have more time, Kingdom of Loathing or Shadow and Essence if I have mega time.
What was the last thing you bought?
Lunch. It was derishus.
What is something beautiful you’ve seen recently?
There's this really lovely woodland running along Foxhall Road that I liked. Unfortunately, it was marred by the fawn that had been run down on the road. Sic transit cervus.
Does the weather affect your mood?
Not really. My mood changes often enough that the weather is rarely a factor. Driving in severe thunderstorms makes me pretty panicky, though.
What is your zodiac sign?
Libra! Huzzah!
Do you want to learn another language?
Always at least one more. ;D
5 things you can't live without:
Um. My sight, my speech, my friends, my writing, and CAFFEINE.
Do you have any siblings?
Two or three, or sometimes four, depending how and who you count.
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"Another shot of espresso, please."
Do you have anything exciting planned over the next few months?
...skooooooooooool! Also, I'd like to firespin in Costa Rica over winter break.
Say something to the person who tagged you:
You made me love Georgian. :)
Taggable people are sometimes known as:
qotcpcf, and
My head is achey and I have another two hours before going back to AU... I suppose I should try to find coffee somewhere, or something. Have to plan for this weekend, as well...