Jan 28, 2010 21:03
And then there were 16. 16 years of actors celebrating each other on lavish dinner parties, while eating meals that cost more than your car, and presenting one another with small statues in the shape of naked men. Blame it on the fact that I am European if you wish, but I don’t really get the ‘oh so exiting’ part of those ceremonies (hey Jeremy Irons is with me on that one). At this point I would have said that there is more sense in awards voted by the fans, but then I remembered all the different ‘honours’ the Twilight saga cast got, and decided not to voice that opinion. (I was basically proving myself wrong) The glam that was Saturday nights ceremony... oh la la. Two hours before the big shebang began, it was time for what I find one of the most exiting parts of every award show or ceremony of any kind - the red (most of the time) carpet. As the hour grew closer the place was getting tight packed with sparkling celebrities of every age, size and colour (one can only imagine the smell of place such as this... yes, the smell of jewellery, money and power). Every possible TV was there and the correspondents were using the best weapons in their arsenal in order to score an interview with the biggest and brightest of the A-listers. Whatever channel you switched on at that point you got the same stars being interviewed by different journalists all asking the same questions. Most of the stars were honest and always gave the same answers, something that could easly make you want to go to bed earlier than your mum would have asked you to on a school day. The most important questions (naturally) on the red carpet as always were: ‘who are you looking forward to see’ and ‘who are you wearing.’
As usual some stars were dressed to impress, while other you would have thought do not own a mirror... or a best friend that would not let them out of the house looking like that. I have to admit though, the NOs were visibly less than previous years, but almost everyone has a stylist now, so it’s not that surprising. I almost miss the ‘dead-swan’-dress times. (Ah those were the days) Overall the guys department was playing it safe by keeping it simple and sexy, Justin Timberlake dared to be a bit braver and it definitely paid off. Eli Roth was classy in plaid and kind a remind me of Redford’s style. As usual one of the best dressed men on the red carpet was Adam Lambert, who, as many pointed out, was wearing more and better make up than the ladies that night. Unlike at the Golden Globes, Quentin Tarantino was looking classy and far from his extravaganza style... though to be honest with you, it is QT so he can wear whatever he wants and it will still be as cool as humanly possible.
Now Meryl Streep is one of my all time favourite actresses, but I think that the better the role she plays, the worse her outfits get. I mean seriously, with all that power, fame and money she could afford at least the best stylist on the planet.
Until next time, I am me, you are you and life is beautiful. Thanks for watching.
To be continued . . .