Make us hip make us scene, OGMONGIHSAFbjk

Aug 10, 2006 06:16

Uhm, Yeah, Book sale is today, where tuition of 8k isnt enough for highschool, you yet again

have to pay more for your lovely school, 150 dollars for a parking permit, along with books that

may range from 800+ dollars, hmph... So yeah I'm up really early, thanks to my crazy sickness,

almost fried my brain cells yesterday, But I chilled down thanks to my good buddy Iceman, And

like... I'm not happy schools starts, just kinda like another somewhatinteresting/miserable life

but I guess thats my own fault? Correct? Anyvay... Life is good, Japan was amazing, Thanks for


Double Spacing so you can read if you do


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