Jun 19, 2005 00:58
I'm sitting here right now.. veerrry bored and not tired! Someone please make church start at 12PM instead, so that I won't have to wake up early every sunday morning. I love you God.. but I wish I wasn't so tired on sundays.
I want to hang out with Nikita and Brandon all this week, but I think tuesday and thursday I'm going to visit my uncle (who's in a mental institute) because I haven't seen him in a year or two, which sucks. And then I'm sure I'll be more busy, which kind of sucks because Nikita is leaving for Europe any time soon :( I don't want her to leave.
On a random note, we might get a puppy for christmas :D Hurray! ~~ Today when I hung out with my dad and brothers, we went to the flea market and looked at a lot of random crap. They have a terrible selection of anime.. but I probably wasn't looking good enough, but there were puppies and kittens everywhere and I was like "I want them all dammit." =___= I hope that I won't be one of those ladies who grows up and has 48 cats and lives in the middle of a forest in Kentucky and all the little farm-kids come to my house to see if the local 'witch with cats' live there. Wait. Actully that would be awesome *grabs my broomstick* yee-haw! ....yeah. :D
Hrrm, I should sleep.
zZzzzzZZZzzZZzzzzZz.. wtf :'D