Life, stuff, and other stuff

May 11, 2008 05:16

A lot has happened this past week. Hm... let me do it chronologically.

Finals are over, finally. All my classes went well except for my comp sci final, which I bombed, but still got an A- in the class. I didn't think I did badly on my Logic final, but somehow, I failed that class. First class I've ever failed and will have to re-take. I feel sick right now. I don't know what I did wrong or where I could have missed anything, but apparently I screwed it up. Apparently, so did other people who I know in that class too, so I think maybe that class has assholes for graders? I dunno. Trying hard not to blame other people for my horrible screwups.

New apartment is awesome. A lot of closets, huge amounts of storage space, my room is awesome, internet arrived on Saturday, my mattress just shipped yesterday, my gigantic corner desk arrived 2 days ago, apartment looks good. The fridge is stuffed with food, the pantry with more food, I have more ideas on what food to eat than room to eat it, and I'm excited to get cooking again.

Labwork with Ursula starts on monday, and I'm pretty excited about that. The two post-docs who work in the lab get back tuesday and wednesday, so monday I think will be just a preliminary lab tour, and discussion of what kind of work I'll be doing over the summer. I'll also have to look at a ton of grad programs in evolutionary biology, and figure out which ones I can apply to/ have a chance of getting into. I feel like the D+ in Logic just wrecked my grad school chances a lot. Two Bs and two As in my two other classes, Geology grades haven't come in yet, but... D+.

So, the research fellowship that I got awarded over the summer is fucking retarded. Get this: It's a $3750 stipend for 10 weeks of work, and..... you get half after five weeks, and the other half after five more weeks. And the work period officially starts May 19th. So according to the school, I don't need to either eat or pay expenses until June 30th. That was some pretty hard, blinding panic for a few days during finals, when I didn't have time to sit down, make a list, and figure out expenses. So, despite making one of the biggest mistakes in my life and dropping $1000 to play for $500000, and despite the cable modem, apartment lease-signing fee, and security deposit, I still have enough money for food, rent and utilities until June. I'm walking a razor-thin wire until then with $100 to spare. Though $100 turned into $20 on friday vying for a $440 first prize in a $80 8-player tournament, and $20 turned into $50 today playing two $5 buy-in 4 way winner take all tournaments followed by a $10 buy-in cash game.

So, I've got $50 spending/ entertainment/ gambling/ movies/ video games/ eating out money until June 30th.

In other news, my mom called yesterday, and called me immature for wanting to go to grad school instead of following the plan she's been plotting for my life since I was born and go to medical school.

I think the fuse on the socket in my room isn't powerful enough to handle my computer. Whenever my computer tries to do anything intensive, that outlet loses power entirely for a few seconds.

Eh. I don't know how to feel right now. Should I be depressed, that I failed logic and grad school prospects just took a massive slam? Should I be happy that I'm moved into my new place? Should I be anxious about suddenly being responsible and stuff? Worry about looking at grad schools? Parents suck? Desk is awesome (even though some assembly required is a pain) ?

We need a broom for the apartment. There's shredded packaging bits all over the place from the two crates my desk came in.

Is it right that I don't know how to feel about stuff right now? Unless you can count bewildered, confused, and trying to take things one at a time as feeling some way.
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