Go Brewers!

Aug 03, 2011 22:11

This past weekend Adam and I went to a Brewers' game. It was our first one together. It was a Sunday day game, and it was HOT!!! I couldn't sit down in my seat at first because it was burning hot on my legs. We were sweating the whole time, the sun was just beating down on us. We didn't get any shade at all. Aside from being uncomfortable, I had a good time. The Brewers won the game! We also got to see a drunk guy fall over the rail onto the field. He skinned his head and was bleeding. It was kinda crazy. A ball also came pretty close to our way, and two of the players jumped to catch it. I think it was Braun who did. They were only a couple feet away from us, it was pretty intense!

I hope we get to go to at least one more game before the season ends. Adam said we'll have to go to a night game to avoid being cooked again! :P

Next week will be our 6 month anniversary. I can't believe how fast time has been going by! And our vacation is only about a month away. I cannot wait!

Some other good news is that I was able to settle on part of the medical claim from the insurance company. I should be getting a check soon for my missed wages and "pain and suffering". Groovy. Once I send in my medical bills, those should be taken care of. I just have to talk to someone about the damages estimates and hope they don't try to settle for less. Hopefully soon too.

And finally for today, I started the P90X program yesterday. I am a bit sore in my core and arms now, but it will be good for me. I hope to get some nice results. It sucks that already next week I will be away at the grooming show for a few days, but they have a pool and fitness room. So working out shouldn't be a problem. Especially since the other girls are trying to keep up a routine as well.
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