Operation Foxtrot Recon

Aug 29, 2005 23:13

So I'm sitting in the dining hall chatting it up with some established friends when I casually (but not inadvertantly) mention that I think this one girl is really cute. Over the course of the next few minutes I've established my complete inability to just sit down next to a girl I like... I just can't do it. It's kinda stalker like. Rachel, a friend, saw my logic and decided to help.

Anyways my friends decide that they're going to go over and get to know her so that on another day I can sit down and be established... you know, joining my friends. There's precedence for that. So my friends up and head over to her table and sit down, chatting her up. Meanwhile I saunter over to another table where a few girls are sitting that I know, but I'm not interested in relationship wise. I mean I'm already enamored with this really cute girl (whom I know nothing about, but mean to remedy in due time)... not that the girls weren't attractive or anything.

We start talking, I'm doing my best to be funny (it's always a good sign when they say you should be a comedian) and witty and it's paying off. We're all laughing and getting along great. I can't remember what I was talking about, but I said (as an after thought to the cost of something or another) that I laid a chicken when I heard about it. This one girl, Camrin(spelling) said, very matter of factly, "I'll be your chick." To my utter shock and amazement, I gave a grin and a two trigger "bam". I didn't really know what to say. She was cute too, but not really my type. And I mean I think that was blatant flirting... course I'm not a good read of women. Then I casually mentioned wanting to get a shirt that said "Now accepting applications for a girlfriend" which was met with more laughter (thanks Andrew). I immediately pointed out my special agents across the room chatting up a girl I was too uncomfortable to talk to directly since I thought she was so cute.

That solicited more aws and ooohhhs and cuuute than I care to readily admit.

So things are going pretty great so far. I love my classes, I'm in the thick with cute girls (8 to one ratio in favor of men) and I'm going to start exercising regularly at 6 AM in the hopes of reclaiming my body and sensable sleep hours.

I'll report more on "Operation Foxtrot Recon" as it developes. While I'm not anticipating a successful encounter with the "target"... err, really adorable girl, I anticipate my antics will at least endear me to some people and help build stronger friendships with some of the other women at school.

I mean hey, if all my cute attempts end up in gentle rejection... well there are other girls that might find my attempts cute.

At the very least the guys on my floor think I'm pretty cool for employing other women to assist me in my endeavors. In the end I'm enjoying the attention and getting to know some really cool people. And I like being called Capricious Kevin... a new nickname. That's a long story. Suffice it to say in orientation groups we used same-sounding words as a numnonic(spelling) to assist new name assimilation. I came up with capricious "with a K" and it stuck with a few people. One girl calles me capurnicus. Then there was the other group where we had to use a food... I'm discouraging the Carrot "with a K" because I immediately think of a bad comedian with red hair. Also, Kiwi was taken so, there's that.

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