Title: An Appointment With Death
stonemarionetteGenre: Slash
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack (with Jack/Ianto)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~15,500
Warnings/Spoilers: M/M slash, potentially squicky sickness, swearing, violence; spoilers through series three of Doctor Who and 2x11, Adrift, Torchwood-wise.
plingo_kat, and
Disclaimer: Torchwood and Doctor Who are property of the BBC.
Summary: A few months after the Year that Never Was, the Doctor stops by Torchwood with a plan to take Jack on a spin in the TARDIS. He planned a vacation, but thanks to some incorrect coordinates, they find an empty ship, hanging freely in space. It all begins to go downhill when the dead won’t stay dead and Jack starts to cough up blood.
part one •
part two •
part three