The Year in Review: 2010!

Feb 26, 2011 23:09

It's only two months late! I always try to do this meme at the start of the new year. But it's been a busy ol' time in Thailand, and so, well. It's not quite yet March!

Fandoms I have discovered the love of this year:
Broadway RPS!
Digital Devil Saga!
I also wrote a little Persona 4 and CW RPS fic! I always seem to write for five fandoms.

Fanfictions written during the year: 28ish
Broadway RPS (34,100)
Something In My Heart Will Not Give Up On You. Matt/Wes, collection, eighteen fics in all, ~31,000 words, NC-17
All This Forever. Matt/Wes, Matt/Jon, incomplete, ~2,000 words, R
Various unposted co-writes with danse_amore. Matt/Wes, Matt/Jon, ~1,100, R

Digital Devil Saga (8,000)
A War With Such Casualties. Gale/everyone, endgame spoilers, ~6,000 words, R
Our Darkest Skies. Heat/Serph, incomplete, ~1,600 words, NC-17
But That Was In Another Country. Roland-centric (with Roland/Greg, Roland/Gale), character study, chaptered, incomplete, ~400 words, R

Misfits (1,300)
but we can be flawless. Nathan/Simon, episode coda (S02E03), incomplete, ~1,300 words, R

Persona 4 (2,800)
As Certain Dark Things. Dojima/Adachi, incomplete, ~2,400 words, PG-13
The One Devil Won't. Dojima/Adachi, alternate universe, incomplete, ~400 words, PG-13

CW RPS (3,800)
Next Stop, Everywhere. Jared/Jensen, alternate reality, incomplete, ~3,400 words, R
To Live Like Kings. Jared/Jensen, alternate reality, incomplete, ~400 words, PG-13

[Also, fic posted but not written in 2010: Take the Sky, For Example (A Canvas of a Billion Suns) (CW RPS, Jared/Jensen, ~45,700 words, R), Maybe We're Not Only Human (Supernatural, Sam/Dean, ~7,200 words, PG-13).]

Total word count: 50,000

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I wrote so little this year! I wrote 100k words than I did last year! aauuuuuuaaauuu

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write in 2010 that you would never have predicted?
Um. Broadway! I really didn't expect that. But then Matt Doyle clocked me over the head with inspiration... but not the confidence to post any of it. Wop wop.

What's your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Probably A War With Such Casualties. Was really proud of that one.

Now, what's your most popular story?
Well! Take the Sky, For Example (A Canvas of a Billion Suns) is certainly my most popular fic to date - wrote it in 2009, posted it in March 2010 after much editing and deliberation, etc.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Uh... gosh, not really. Nyack nyack.

From my past year of writing, what was...

Best/Favourite Story
Broadway RPS: there were a few in the Something In My Heart Will Not Give Up On You collection which I adored;
Digital Devil Saga: A War With Such Casualties;
Misfits: N/A (I've only written one!);
Persona 4: As Certain Dark Things got off to a strong start;
CW RPS: To Live Like Kings - for the idea more than the actual four hundred words I got through. ;)

Most Underappreciated by the Universe
Hmm, probably A War With Such Casualties. (It keeps coming up!) But that was, I hope, due to the tininess of the fandom more than anything else. Don't worry, my ego wasn't too bruised.

Most Fun
I had such fun writing piles and piles of Matt/Wes fic. No single piece was more than 4,000 words and most were a lot less than that and none of them were named or anything, just little scenes of cuteness or angst or ~something else, but I just kept goin' and goin'. So all of that, really.

Most Disappointing
Do you notice the lack of Take the Sky timestamps? Yeah. That.

Story That Could Have Been Better
Maybe, uh, As Certain Dark Things? 'Cause it was a remix of The Dark Comes Early, but I stalled because it was hard and I wasn't sure how to tackle Adachi's feelings, since the fic was from his POV and all.

Story With The Sweetest Moment
It might not count, but: Take the Sky, For Example (A Canvas of a Billion Suns). Most of it was filled with cavity-inducing sweetness.

Story That Made You Cry
Aw, gee. I'm not positive, but I'm fairly certain that I shed some tears over my especially angsty Matt/Wes shorts.

Hardest to Write
Like I mentioned earlier, As Certain Dark Things. I have a great time writing Adachi and I think I do it well, but it's damned difficult, and much more so when you're actually writing from his point of view.

Easiest to Write
I would say A War With Such Casualties, but it's come up so many times that I'm going to go with Next Stop, Everywhere - it was a J2 high school AU. Nooot exactly rocket science.

Most Unintentionally Telling
Probably Something In My Heart Will Not Give Up On You, for a number of reasons.

Most Overdue

This Year's Theme And The Story That Demonstrates It Most
I hate themes! I didn't write along no themes! Fuck off, themes! I hate you! Every year, this is what I secretly want to say to this question. And this year I have gone there.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?

1. Write more!
2. Write the scifibigbang Misfits fic!
3. Write some of those leftover, unwritten Matt/Wes prompts!
4. Write profic about zombies! Do it! You have every ingredient.
5. POST!

other: masterlist, other: info

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