the only reason i was able to translate pi's nikki yesterday the moment the chinese version of it came up on baidu was because i was restless....
my usual day begin by waking up at 6.30 am to get ready for 8am classes at uni. *i know, its a bitch really..*
skipping all the boring stuff...
when i was back home, i checked the front porch to see if there was any packages left for me. NONE
disappointed, i decided to finish up my uni work, and drown the rest of my night watching dorama (pretty sad thursday night, an since im dead broke, i try to stay at home as much as possible xD)
at 1am i was still watching the first epi of 1 pound no fukuin. after all, im a dorama addict, i really cant deny that.
finishing epi 1, i thought... 'i should sleep now' since i had a 10am class the next morning, which meant i had to wake up at 8.30 am... (current time was 1.30 AM)
but i couldnt sleep, and although for the pass 2 days ive only had about 8 hours of sleep, my tiredness gradually diminished as i continued to stay awake later into the night.
there was something bothering me... actually, it wasnt so much of 'bothering', but there was this feeling that something was going to happen, there was a slight hint of excitement...
i was on the edge, i could feel the adrenaline being pumped into my blood, taking its effect.. it felt as if my heart would jump out of my chest...
and i kept questioning myself 'why oh why am i feeling like this? this is like any other weeknight, nothing special yet...'
so i sat around, surfing random sites, translating pi's nikki, reading LJs, checking if i missed anything.
but the feeling started to grow bigger....
... and bigger....
... and even bigger...
i couldnt take it anymore, and quickly turned off the light and jumped into bed...
but i kept tossing and turning..
... until i finally forced myself to sleep at 4AM @_______@
and then...
when i came home today from uni and checked my front porch again
maybe this was why i couldnt sleep the night before
wasnt that really a suspense-full entry just to get to the point that my calender arrived xD
but i havent written anything for some time now.. other than uni work and translating jwebs, those dont count xD
i... can be pretty lame at times.... x3
please forgive me for all that bullcrap i just wrote, LOL