Not Liking the Somewhat Recent Changes...

Aug 30, 2010 22:26

So WTF is up with this 10 entries per page crap? I would rather have back the 20 we previously had or even better, like 50! Is there any way to fix this? Because I have no clue, and I've tried to figure it out.

I've been a bit busy lately, and have not kept current on my fist. So tonight I couldn't even go back as far as mid-August, and I'd wanted to see back to the beginning of July to make sure I'd caught it all. But it was not to be. Dammit...

This last thing isn't really recent, but it's been bugging the shit outta me for like over a year. In posts with links, LJ will covertly add mouseover code. I go in and remove it, and it always gets put back! I like to have clean, lean and mean code, and this crap totally interferes. I want it to stay gone for good; anybody out there know how to achieve this?

OK, enough bitchin' for now. I just had to get that off my chest...
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