Mar 17, 2010 19:19
- Marley arrived, we went to Ren Fest on Saturday and then she had an art show on Sunday.
- On Monday I got in a car accident. It sucked. I hit the guy, got a ticket worth $180, caused 5 thousand in damage to my car. I've gotten over how much of an idiot I am but it still sucks.
- Saw Alice in Wonderland: I was pretty disappointed (shut your whore mouth, matuskaa). I wouldn't have been so thoroughly against it if it wasn't for the stupid dance at the end.
- Still got to Megacon, though! Yippee, it was fun, awesome and I really missed all my friends.
- Bought more stuff than I needed but a lot of it I will use, rather than what I used to get at cons.
- Decided with my friends we're going to do a steampunk group cosplay! I'm gonna be my own design of steampunk!Sherlock Holmes
My first doodle of them steampunk. I hate how the colours came out. My idea is for Watson to be very military-themed. He came out more like a Catlevania count or something.
My second, much better attempt. I love how they both came out. Enough it is up for being my official design. I'm too choosy though. Maybe I'll make a few sets and post them and you guys could help me by voting for the best?
Justified on FX last night was AWESOME. I just love this man. He is so pretty.
Hee hee
This is Holmes branching out into newer forms of recreational drugs.
- Here's a picture of the stuff I plan on utilizing for steam punk: junk
- Really seriously need to get some writing done. However, my muse has been ENTIRELY all for drawing.
- Batman Beyond is returning!--In comic book form!--In a six part miniseries! Still great, I can't wait. It's in June. Here's Dustin Ngyuen's take on McGinnis. So pretty.
Lots of pillows or just one?
I wish I had a lot of pillows but atm I only have just one. I want to, someday, have a bed that resembles those amazing Mediterranean couches/beds full of mismatching pillows and blankets.
What kind of books do you read?
Recently I’ve been trying to read more poetry. I usually read fiction but my non-fiction choices are primarily of the essay nature on topics such as history, rhetoric or fiction-analysis. I love that kind of stuff. For fiction, I can read just about anything but I stick to the more fantasy genres or the classics.
What's the weirdest thing you've seen today?
The guy walking around the campus juggling artichokes. I should have asked why but I was late to a test. Regretsss
ZOMBIES OR ROBOTS: Which apocalypse is scarier?
A lot of my dreams consist of me in a zombie apocalypse. No lie, I actually dream about that sort of thing pretty regularly. I’ve never considered them a nightmare though, except for the one where my family became the zombies. Then I was scared! But, y’see, I’d go with zombies because, inevitably, robots can be controlled. They’re programmed, so as long as the human race can figure a way out to retake that control and/or gain it: we’re good. Can’t control a zombie, though.
What's really creepy but maybe shouldn't be?
Oh, huh. Creepy but maybe shouldn’t be? Odd question but I’ll take that challenge, sir.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
A few things, I suppose. Star Trek and Doctor Who/Torchwood and Sherlock Holmes. I’m juggling those four atm. Sherlock Holmes is the newest and I’m actually coming back to that obsession. Regression! I’m glad to, though, the 2009 version is very pretty! Ahaha
Cake or cookies?
Cookies. I’ve never been a big cake person, too much sweet makes me nauseous. But cookies are just the right amount of delicious!
What's the last website you visited?
The Slasher's Annotated Sherlock Holmes
What was the last thing you bought?
Uhh, a Cheeburger at CheeburgerCheeburger? Yummyyyyy
How do you think you'll die?
Hopefully, not of old age. I want to go down in a blaze of glory. Honestly.
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Do some people not get cravings? What kind of sorry sucker would you be if you didn’t get cravings? That person must be the next messiah or something. ANYWAY, yes, I do get cravings. I crave food most commonly, followed by sleep. I am always craving sleep. Lately, I have had a (recently satisfied) craving for a good hamburger.
What do you do to change your mood?
Oh. Hum. It’s hard for me to change my mood sometimes if I am stuck in a bad one. I just listen to music that’s happier or talk to a friend about my bad mood or watch a funny video on youtube.
What was the last meal you ate?
The other half of my delicious Publix sub. Oh yum yum, so good to be nice and full. Had some sweet tea with it, too.
Do you want to learn another language?
Heck yeah! I wanna learn French and Latin and maybe German. I’ve been thinking about learning Arabic, too.
Five things near you right now:
1. Xbawks controller
2. Watercolour paints
3. My cell phone
4. Homework
5. A stack of comic books
Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 24. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
“We may in the near future know something rather more solid about the brains of great women novelists than their distinctive cranial protuberances.”
What's the last thing you said out loud?
Talking to my dad about going to the Swap Shop to buy junk for steampunk cosplay. I think it was something more along the lines of him asking me to give the phone to my mom and I said "but I have to GET UP, ughghghh."
What are you looking forward to?
Going to bed tonight. And then after that, when classes tomorrow are over. Mostly the Swap Shop this weekend and then getting free time to work on my steampunk. Also, whenever I can get around to finishing painting stuff.
- Why did LJ change those two random icons for the entries? And why the hell are those stupid pictures on the front page with the writer's block thing? It's lame.
- Gonna redo my Warden cosplay and also do the Future Warden. I AM EXCITE.
- I think that's it? Until tomorrow, chaps!
me: a complete dork,