'd like to give you some of these thoughts in a better format but, alas, I am not really at full-capacity to do so. Instead, I give you the marvel of a bulletin list:
- Is it bad that I want the Kindle 2 because it (what I think) looks like a PADD? Okay, that's one reason besides all the other obvious ones.
- I'd love to get involved with the Kirk/McCoy Advent Calendar that's being planned over on kirk_mccoy
- But I can't get involved because I plan on being VERY BUSY this holiday season, and I mean it. All my friends who've gone off to college are coming down and I want to spend as much time as possible with them. I want them to be SICK of me by the time they leave.
- Lately I have been living off sweet tea.
- I AM SO EXCITED FOR THANKSGIVING. I can't wait to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat.
- There's been a depressing lack of writing going on with me, lately. I've only been able to manage Zombieland but, honestly, I haven't tried for ST:XI all that much. I am having a sad. I need to get back onto the kinkmeme and see if I can get myself to write.
- If you like my gorgeous drop cap, I got it here: Daily Drop Cap
- My parents are having a crisis over mixed up remotes and it's hilarious. Anyone with Comcast and more than one box will know that all the remotes look EXACTLY the same. Somehow, the living room and their bedroom remote got mixed and now they can't find one and figure out which is which. Classic.
- I'd really like to hear your thoughts on that PADD thing.
- ALSO would anybody be interested in making requests to me for art or possibly fics? This is related to my obvious block. I'd appreciate it a lot.