Squirrels Triumphant!

Aug 25, 2006 09:19

E and I met up for delicious homemade dinner at her new place, then settled in at Rocky's for the Quiz with an all-female dray. There were several loud, large teams at the bar, so loud that I feared for my eardrums at a few points. I was able to contribute to the Audio Round (twice!), something that very rarely happens.
The funky nail-biting question of the evening was, "Maximillian was the first and last modern emperor of what nation?" We got it right, but during the course of the debate I was trying to explain my rationale by mentioning Zorro and the Six Flags over Texas, but nobody else on the team was really following it. KeriLogic™ - can't be imitated.
We ended up in a three-way tie-breaker about men's gymnastics and took the gold, staying to enjoy more beer (or whiskey as the case may be) before calling it a night.
Other fun moments:
NARCOLEPTIC is an anagram for what musician?
NO ALIENS DARLING is an anagram for what actress?
What two actors played a military officer investigating brainwashing in The Manchurian Candidate? (original and remake)
The song "I'd like to teach the world to sing" was used in commercials for what product?
Who said, "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child"?
What three 90s Best Picture winners have one-word titles?
And the tiebreaker question for the win: Name all 6 apparatus in men's gymnastics.

... and I can't really remember much more.

Maximillian was the Emperor of Mexico.
NARCOLEPTIC = Eric Clapton
NO ALIENS DARLING = Gillian Anderson
Frank Sinatra & Denzel Washington starred in The Manchurian Candidate.
"I'd like to teach the world to sing" was written for Coca-Cola.
Dan Quayle said, "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."
The one-word Best Picture winners in the 90s were Titanic, Unforgiven, and Braveheart.
Men's gymnastics: high bar, parallel bar, floor, rings, vault, and pommel horse.

I only have a few more weeks in New York, I figure I should get in as many Pub Quiz evenings as possible.

buddies, nyc, quiz

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