Fandom: it runs in the family

Jun 01, 2012 15:58

Ok, so there has been a lot of stuff going on lately, involving such exciting things as cancer diagnoses (not me), family gatherings, crazy weather wrecking business travel, promotions, crises at work, increasingly messy apartments, car ownership, and more cancer stuff. I may post about it sometime. Maybe.
In the meantime, here is today's fun chat transcript:

me: so I sent my parents the link to the trailer for the new Les Miserables movie, and Dad said that we should move beds into the theater so we can watch it til the cows come home.
Jaye: nice to know this is a genetic condition

Yeah... I may have seen The Avengers five times since April. Hey, I come by it honestly!

Also, my parents are surprisingly serious Les Miz (the musical) fans. Everything stops in their house when the Anniversary Concerts come on PBS. And sometimes they call me to be sure that I know they're on. I ♥ them.

p.s. the trailer:

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family, jaye, humor, avengers, les miserables, fandom

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