let me sum up

Mar 12, 2011 20:45

I wrote this at Con-Jour in Clear Lake, but as they did not have wifi available for the public at the University facility (???), I had to wait until I got home to actually post it. Here it is:

Well, the last few days have been super busy. So busy that I have a precarious stack of dishes overtaking my kitchen. It's all been great fun, though.
Let me 'splain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

I've been writing...
I have moved from random beginning to actively needing to come up with plot points. I have some ideas, but it's always hard for me to decide what the heck is going on.

... and drawing...
I created a lot of fun art stuff, including some totally spontaneous Merlin art for
lolafeist's Music and Lyrics Fest. I hope to do some more with that fest, as it is tres inspirational, and I feel the lack of Merlin art in my life. I need to find the song that screams OT4!
I also posted my daily deviant for the month, which I will link to when I get back to my cable internet, although the pic itself won't go up on LJ.

...and pondering costumes...
Meet-ups are groovy, had a nice time, got some ideas for things to make. Need to organize my fabric again, and work on some muslins for serious. The steampunks at this con (see below) are offering some fabulous inspiration, plus the writing I'm doing makes me want to explore costuming ideas as well. I still really want to tailor a frock coat to myself. Mmm, costumes. That's not even touching on the quilting I need to do. Eep!

...and engaging in a brief, fruitless studio search...
Studios are expensive and come with a lot of funky extra expenses, not to mention furnishing one. I think it's probably actually out of my price range at this time, despite a potential share. Still, it's really nice to get a look at what is available, and see what the community is like. Houston is full of small artist enclaves and it would be awesome to get to know people.

...and attending a lecture by Dr. Jane Goodall...
The Progressive Forum brought Jane Goodall in for a lecture and book signing on Wednesday night. Mom and I managed to get tickets (the event sold out well before the night). Dr. Goodall gave a wonderful speech, full of passion and hope and creativity. As usual after the Progressive Forum, I came out full of passion and hope and inspiration. We'll see if it lasts long enough to find an outlet this time.
I tried getting some photos, but my dinky cameras are not really made for that kind of venue, even with the house lights up. There's just not enough zoom.

...and attending Con-Jour 2011 as an ApolloCon rep.
As I type this, I am sitting the ApolloCon table at Con-Jour's Artist Alley, and I have met tons of interesting Steampunks, a Sith Warrior, some Ghostbusters, and many artists and authors, including GoH Jody Lynn Nye in the ConSuite.
It's a small but growing event, with a really nice space at University of Houston Clear Lake campus. I hope we'll see some great stuff from them in future. The more cons in our section of Texas, the better, I think.

This entry was originally posted at http://zephre.dreamwidth.org/482999.html.
comments posted to original post.

houston, writing, merlin, fangirl!, fandom, costumes, harry potter, sff, politics, art, cons

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