holiday cheer

Dec 24, 2010 21:34

East Texas weather is unpredictable. This morning it was sunny and gorgeous and I had all the fans running and windows open as I had breakfast and did a bit of sewing. By the time we got home from our jaunt up to Magnolia, I needed to be bundled up in my fleecy pajamas, and it's raining!
We had a last-minute change of plans to go to Magnolia, where all my cousins had gathered with my aunt and the children. Unfortunately my brother couldn't get off work, and we missed him. One cousin is leaving shortly for an 8-month deployment as a chaplain with the Navy, and he and his wife and daughter were able to drive down here as part of his holiday leave. It was really awesome to see him, and everybody else. (We even got the chance to talk shop, he and I, about ministry and ministering. It's fascinating to get that perspective on the military.)
We're all hugely different, and have all taken divergent life paths, but man, it's so wonderful to sit down around a table and feel like we're still all friends. I don't think we really had that feeling as teens, so to regain it as adults is great.

Tomorrow it's time to visit the other side of the family, and then to prepare for my trip up north.
I'm also pretty excited about the Doctor Who special, which I'll be watching at the parental domicile since they've got cable.
My sewing is so not done. I think at this point the only to do is deliver them at the end of January, instead of trying to rush through and getting it wrong.

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family, doctor who, holidays, crafts, weather

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