getting the hang of Thursday?

Apr 16, 2009 20:02

Hi, Mom!  Everything's ok!

Today was the big benefits festival for campus employees - food, door prizes, give-aways, and lots and lots of wonderful information about the stuff we can get or do or attend.
I manned our department table for an hour, and spent another hour wandering around collecting information (and business cards and seeds and white boards and food, and getting my cholesterol checked).  It's usually a good time, although I missed the popcorn.

Had a really good time at art class last night, but for once I don't have a finished piece to post. I worked up a graphite values sketch first, then got the basic color under painting laid in, and now I will probably need to take it back to class if I'm to have any hope at all of actually finishing it.  Although I may surprise myself and set up a watercolor studio on the drafting table.
A trip to the art supply is definitely in order, though, because everything else being ok to move forward as is, I am running out of paper.

InstaCon 8 is this weekend- it's a Texas con for con-runners, with panels about organizing.  Various concoms around the state get together to talk about solutions and troubleshooting.  I'm a panelist and also hope to get some good stuff from a few other presentations.  It's a small con pretty much by definition, and thrown together last-minute (as the name implies) but I'm looking forward to it!

It's going to be May very soon, and that's good because Yay NYC trip! but it's also bad because OMG one month closer to July when we're launching (we hope) the new site at work. Eeek. Man, I am going to be like a total crazy person at Azkatraz if we pull this off, I will just be so happy!  Or else I'll be totally stressed but determined to still have a good time.  Whee.

Apartment still a big mess.  Haven't opened the right box to find tarot cards. Really need to figure out shelving situation soon. And maybe chair situation.
Have big plans, but right now they sure seem far away.
Still need to work on stress management. Considering a meditation class.
And good grief, I really need to go for acupuncture.

Ok, gonna go draw or something.

rice, home, moving, health, sff, work, art, cons, life as we know it

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