we're doing fine

Mar 06, 2009 09:37

This is just a quick update for those following the drama on the Personal filter (and as always, if you want off a filter, just drop me a comment).

Everything is ok, I have lots of apartment leads and one, maybe two viewings lined up for today.
Things are progressing. Work continues to be awesome, so at least that's one place where nothing is falling apart.  It's getting busier, but that's really ok.
I signed up for ten more weeks of watercolor class.
GI meds have not made any real dent in the problem, so it's probably back to the drawing board. I expect a call from the nurse later today to discuss it.
Dad has been out of town this week, which is sad because we miss him, but it also means that I got dibs on the DVD player so it's been all Merlin, all the time.  w00t!  (I know, I know, I am so silly when I get deep into a new fandom. At least the art has been fun.)
Have not been sewing lately, but that really needs to change. Quilt now probably solid with cat hair, despite being covered up with crinkly paper.  Whoever said that cats avoid lying on things that make noise has never met our cat.
Have been largely avoiding LJ and SFF flaps online, but am not unaware of them. I find myself gaping in disbelief a lot, but I've also found some really excellent new folks to read. 
Also, have been reading real books. In the middle of Alexandria, finished Lackey's The Fairy Godmother, and have made a start on Privilege of the Sword.
Umm...  I think that's a pretty good summary.

So, you know, don't worry too much.  Big thank yous to the folks who have been helping me out on this long-distance. You know who you are. I love you guys.

geektastic, dvd, home, weird body stuff, moving, fangirl!, fandom, introspection, work, family, bbc merlin, art, life as we know it

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