back in houston

Sep 22, 2008 08:56

Still no power.

The wedding was amazing and wonderful, just a fairy tale experience. However, I had not thought ahead well enough (and I packed in the dark), because it was *cold* in the Catskills in the evenings and at night. I had to borrow clothes to stay warm.
Other than the cool weather, it was a beautiful weekend full of old friends and new, and the ceremony itself was wonderful.  Photos to come, although I didn't actually take as many as I thought I did. Mostly I took loads and loads of Lando. As his fairy godmother, this is entirely right and proper, but I really did think I had more general shots.  Hee. 
Donna, Jon, and I rented a car for the trip and Jon drove while I navigated. So Jon, in true Star Trek style, called me "Number One."  Fun times. I got to do some awesome dancing, including a jitterbug with Renee and some Charleston styling.  w00t! 
My tummy did not behave for the entire weekend but at least it didn't start being really bad until after the reception. And the caterers very kindly had gluten-free exceptions set aside for me among the regular hors d'oeuvres so yay them.

Now it's back to work. Whee.

fairy godmothering, spiritual, donna, travel, nyc, star trek, buddies, vacation, entelechy, life as we know it, weather, ministry

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