tales from pagan camp

Jun 18, 2007 10:53

There's no way to really put into words the full FSG experience.  One really has to be there.  But it was a lovely, lovely trip and I am SO glad that I went.  Here are some highlights:
  • coven cabin = hanging out at all hours catching up, drinking mead, making s'mores, discussing post-apocalypse survival (there's a group of us reading S.M.Stirling's Dies the Fire trilogy which features a Wiccan priestess leading survivors in Oregon's Willamette Valley), drinking more mead, playing frisbee, making more s'mores, knitting or spinning or watching people knit and spin...
  • arts and crafts track!  matchbox shrines and Sculpey talismans!
  • Telesma in concert, Kiva with guest drummers, stomping and dancing to awesome songs
  • watching the living flames in the bonfire, reading the runes written in light on the burning logs
  • babysitting a three-year-old with some friends, tossing the frisbee and the Tigger ball, reading books, and generally clowning around
  • reading tarot for friends and neighbors, and for myself, with plenty of folks nearby to help interpret
  • having a close encounter with a double-terminated wand of chlorite-darkened quartz the length of my hand, plus assisting in a demonstration of crystal healing with single-terminated quartz chunks as big as my head
  • making masks for main ritual, then burning one in the bonfire during that ritual (which was really awesome, very well done from the ritual theater perspective)
  • getting in some really good conversations and hugs and cuddling with friends I haven't seen in months (and did I mention the mead?)
When I got home Sunday late afternoon, the day really only got better.  Peter and the usual suspects were out on the patio preparing to play Trivial Pursuit with Trapper's dad, and we got both Mom and Dad to come out to play, too.  The boys grilled up some yummy BBQ, Trapper and her dad brought beer from Chicago,  and we played for a long while, then talked for a long while, until I was practically sleeping sitting up.   It was an excellent, excellent Father's Day evening.

Of course, I still haven't unpacked.  This morning was a festival of digging through my luggage for my driver's license.  All will be back to normal soon.  (But not too soon, as this weekend is ApolloCon.)
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