DF Log: Erika meets other candidates 4/25/07

Apr 25, 2007 19:51

Dragonsfire MOO: Welcome to Pern!
The Dragonriders of Pern (R) is a registered trademark of Anne McCaffrey;
the Pern novels are copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey, 1967.

Eastern Curve of the Bowl
This area of the bowl, just outside the lower caverns, is constantly awhirl with activity! People come and go with amazing regularity and relative randomness as to any direction they might be going at any particular time; firelizards, mostly in Fort colors, zip past with seeming disregard for personal safety; and, of course, multicolored arrays of dragons can usually be seen swooping through the skies above.
The lower caverns lie directly to the east; the infirmary and ground weyrs are located in the somewhat quieter area to the southeast and south respectively.
It is a summer midmorning. A refreshing breeze laces the hot, gloriously blue skies.
You see Veluth, Babe, Nudnik, Cujo, Quzanth, Kwaith, Bo, Elsveth, and Tormanth here.
Obvious exits:
Center Bowl Northern Curve Lower Caverns Infirmary Ground Weyrs

She's tall. That's the obvious thing - this girl has got to hit six feet. And her boyish build only exaggerates that length, long and lean and tanned klah-brown. Springy mahogany curls corkscrew around her head, all chopped too short to hit even her chin. Eyes are a changeable hazel, while both nose and chin have distinct points in an otherwise pleasantly oval face.
On her shoulder, loop-de-loops of Fort's brown and black frame the bright gold of a Junior Weyrwoman.
A plaid flannel shirt in bright colors ties over the waist of her cut-off shorts. From mid-thigh there is an expanse of leg a few shades paler than her face, then blue-dyed leather sandals. Her short-sleeved blouse flutters loose and cool around her torso. Nigh obnoxious green slinks down Erika's arm. Cloud-soft gold slips 'round Erika's neck.
Erika is 23 Turns, 6 months, and 9 days old.

It's currently late summer on the northern continent.
* Midmorning at Fort Weyr, Fort Hold, Harper & Healer Halls:
A refreshing breeze laces the hot, gloriously blue skies.

Meldari emerges from the lower caverns.

Though none of Meldari's features draw much attention on their own, there is something about this girl that makes her generally pleasent and attractive to look at. Mahogany colored hair is swept back behind ears to allow her hazel eyes to blink free. A round face is defined by high cheekbones and accented by a pert nose and full lower lip. Her body is curvy overall, a woman's figure with a tapering at her waist which does not cause her to look slim but does add definition to her average height.
A brown and black knot with a touch of white shows the simple status of candidate at Fort Weyr.
Worn and patched clothing is big enough for someone nearly twice her size. The neck of the tunic has been pinned to stop it from sliding and looking indecent. Tunic and pants are cinched at the waist with a wide belt decorated with a few handy pouches.
Meldari is 16 Turns, 4 months, and 1 day old.

Meldari leaves the living caverns with her clothes already dusty and stained, her hand quickly goes to shade her eyes as the bright sun makes her squint. "Shelling sun ... keep forgetting a hat." she mutters to herself.

"Veluth, darling, look at you! Has anybody polished those talons since your last meal?" Erika blows the big brown dragon a kiss as she walks by, all easy loping gait and free-swinging arms. "We should have a party down by the Lake later!" As she approaches the human-scale areas, her smile dims only slightly. "Morning, Candidate."

Meldari has to blink a number of times before she can get Erika's face to come into focus, "weyrwoman ... good morning." She's pert with her answer and ducks her head a bit grand smile on her face. "What can I do for you this fine day?"

"Do you have any fine-spun caprine yarn on you?" When someone offers, Erika will ask.

Meldari tilts her head up and lifts an eyebrow, "I do not at the moment m'am but give me a day or so and I'm sure I could get my hands on some for quite a decent price."

Erika sighs dramatically. "No, no, that's fine, it wasn't a serious question. Gl'had is bringing me some. But he's been /delayed/." She imbues the word with a sense of hopeless betrayal. "People have babies all the time, I don't see what the crisis is."

Meldari shrugs, "It's easy enough for me to request some from my family and get it here in a day or so weyrwoman if you change your mind." She wrinkles her nose then, "I shall never understand children myself if I do say so."

The glow illuminates; Erika's whole face is alight with understanding. "Oh, you're a trader! How wonderful! What I really need are some beads -" she tosses her head with an unladylike snort of laughter, "-no, we're getting the beads, you got what you wanted last time and it was a disaster -" her attention returns to Meldari. "Beads. Red ones. Or maybe green. I'm not sure. You were a child yourself once, you know."

Meldari grins broadly, "I'm an Enlander yes ... beads eh ... I can certainly get some of them" She chuckles at the semi-silent conversation and then looks innocent. "Oh yes but I was a faultless child, well behaved and on my own right out of my mother."

Althia emerges from the lower caverns.

Erika laughs aloud, throwing her head back. "Really? That must have been a shock to the midwife. And an Enlander, too. I once dated an Enlander. Very polite boy. Had spots, though. Terribly unfortunate."

A young girl purhaps 17 to 21 standing 5 feet 8 inches tall, with soft long red hair that is worn down, ending near her heels. Her hair Frames bright green eyes a small soft nose. Thin supple lips form a soft smile. Warm honey tan skin and athletic frame with slender arms. the girl's long neck slopes down to a pitite boosom and a narrow waist. Long legs with well defined calves.
A simple flat knot of 2 stands, Light purple and white worn on the right shoulder
Althia currently wears a white baggy tunic with long baggy sleeves that button at her wrists with a French cuff and is open at the neck showing the hint of her cleavage. The tunic tucks into her tight black wherry hide breeches, the breeches are tight and cling to the contours of her calves and legs and snugs around her narrow waist. Knee high black soft soled wherry hide boots lace up her knee and have a fringe of leather around the tops. A Light purple vest is buttoned up her front and molds to her tummy and sides. On her hip is knife...another in a sheath on the inside of her left boot.
Althia is 19 Turns, 5 months, and 12 days old.

Meldari raises an eyebrow, "It was quite shocking I assure you. Oh really, might I know his name? I should remember someone with spots but I was trailing the clan by a few days on Gepard's orders."

Erika hums, pulling on a wayward curl, "Simon. Broke his leg in a bandit raid, but that was Turns later. I had spots at the time, too, so I suppose it all evened out." Then she is distracted, transfixed, even, by the next candidate to emerge from the cavern. "Is that hair real?"

Meldari nods, "Ahh the raids yes ..." She barely has to turn to figure out who the weyrwoman is talking about. "Ahh yes Althia ... it's real, believe me I've helped her braid it."

Althia Walks out and dispite skin rubbed nearly raw by sweet sand still has the scent of Latrine on her..she looks up a bit tired and nods "yes it is why?" as she looks over Erika.

Erika tries to pull her short curl into her line of sight, while crossing her eyes, but she still can't quite focus on it. "It's probably worth a fortune. Are you here to apprentice, then?" She's noticed the purple knot. "Doesn't it get in the way all the time?"

Althia blinks finally noticing the Werywoma's knot and pales "weyrwoman..I i'm sorry...er/..no I am a Journeywoman healer but I am currently a Candidate and exclusive Latrine scrubber of Fort Weyr Ma'am....and right now I don't think Liette would give you a vtol for my hair OR my hide"

Meldari steps nearer the weyrwoman to avoid Althia's none to pleasent scent, "Get yer'self in some trouble did ya?" Her voice easly switches from the practiced tones before to more rough pronunciation."

"You'd think Zhyraeth would love it, it's like a ready-made handle for swinging you about." Erika is not above teasing the poor candidates, although she worries when her knot makes them go pale. She wants to make up for it. "Would you like to know the secret to getting that smell out of your clothes? I was in Beastcraft Hall before I Impressed, spent a lot of time up to my armpits in manure."

Althia says, "That would be Kind Ma'am" she says to the weyrwoman "The others may allow me to move my cot back in..." she then turns to Meldari "this is what happens when you mistakenly believe that sneaking onto the sands to see the eggs, is daring and adventurous, and that yer Scout days with the endlanders will keep you from getting caught."

Meldari laughs outright, "You tried the trick? I knew someone would do it but I hadn't figured it'd be you girl." She shakes her head and raises an eyebrow her tone teasing. "I can surely get you some nice fragrent perfumes to scent all your clothing."

Erika leans forward, then tips back again as the wind shifts. Not that she's not used to the smell. "Get used to it, if you Impress, it's all manure-shoveling, all the time, for the first few months. I learned this from B'nal, former Weyrleader, and his advice has never let me down. Bicarbonate. Ask the headwoman where to find it, there should be canisters in the laundry. Soak your clothes in it overnight, and no more stink."

Althia looks on to Meldari, a soft if sad smile "I have tried all the perfumes, all it has done s make me smell like a perfumed latrine..though, come to think of it the latrines end up smelling GREAT...No i was the one who broke the rules, I'll pay my dues" she then turns to Erika "Thank you weywoman, Healers use Bicarbonate all the time for stomach aliments, I have a good supply from my trader connections

Meldari smiles, "I was teasing you Althia ... you'll do fine and I'm sure you'll end out ok, it's been done before from the stories I've heard and people have made it to the hatching in one piece."

Erika rubs her lower lip and then grins. It's got a feral edge. "Look, I'm going to let you ladies in on a secret, ok? Except it's not really a secret. It just seems to go unnoticed. When you are looking up and up and up into the maw of a brooding gold dragon, don't act snippy. Don't be smart. Don't be sneaky. Don't make dares or run around like loose herdbeasts. Treat the sands, the eggs, and the dragon with respect, and you'll get fewer punishment details, plus the goodwill of the gold."

Althia smiles t Meldari "I can take a ribbing as well as the next, if I just have a sense of smell when this is over" and then smiles to Erika "kinda like dealing with Weyrwomen?

"It's like that with everyone in power," Meldari adds. "At least until you get to know them. I've heard enough of Liette's mood to stay away from her at the moment though."

Erika winks at Althia. "Well, with Liette, certainly. And Brandi should you come across her. And just about all the bronzeriders over thirty. But I don't expect much from you, when I'm just as likely to try to juggle balls of yarn while balancing on a fencepost. And if you call me ma'am again, we'll have to have a serious conversation. It's Erika. Spread the word."

Althia says, "let me tell you something" she jumps in to tell Meldari "the stories are all TRUE when I was there Liette had the sharp fangs of a dragoness..he eyes were red and I SWEAR I saw a tail and talons!"

Erika starts laughing again and has some difficulty stopping. She leans over, hands on her knees, and waits it out.

Meldari chuckles slightly, "I'm sure she did ... sure." She can't help shaking her head. "Well then Erika ... always good to pick up a new name and face around here. I'm Meldari."

Althia blink blinks as she was serious "I'm telling you I SAW it, and the way she appeared when the Gold roared..I'm pretty sure she can go between too! mand right there behind me

Erika takes a few deep breaths. "I believe you saw it. And I think Liette will love hearing about it... later."

Althia says, "What! you can't tell her that! she'll put wherry feathers on me...shards....."

Meldari isn't convinced, "Well I'll make sure to keep an eye out for it but unless there is an agg touching or something I won't be seeing her."

Althia 's eyes widen as she considers something "Shards you don'ttink she actually LAID one of thise eggs out there do you? that small one maybe?

Meldari seems a little lost in thought from that image, "I really, severely doubt that."

Erika can't help but encourage, "Go sit in the Galleries and say hello. And I'm sure wherry feathers will be very flattering in that hair."

Althia says, "You can doubt Meldari, but you didn't see her that day on the sands"

Meldari nods, "And I don't plan on seeing her that way at all."

Althia says, "you are a smart one then"
Althia says, "it was NOT prtty"

"I try," Meldari offers. "I plan on staying out of trouble as long as I can and making as many deals as I can."

Althia nods wearily "I know I had planned that too. didn't think they would be quite THAT touchy about it

Meldari shudders just a touch at the image of a gold dragon mad in her mind. "You need to listen to more stories about weyrs my girl."

Althia says, "I have never heard many I was always out on the trades and scouts"

"There's nothing quite so touchy as a gold dragon with eggs on the sands. Don't they teach the old songs anymore?" Erika smiles at Meldari as they have the same thought.

Althia says, "No harpers out there...no songs"

Meldari looks toward Erika, "I heard them over and over growing up ... one of the WagonMaster's daughters was our Harper."

Erika shakes her head. "Harpers aren't necessary, just well-trained. Didn't anybody sing around the campfire?"

Althia says, "Of course I do know TRADER songs..lets see one goes "There was a young girl from Igen...."

Erika interjects, "Does she die at the end? I hate those."

Althia says, "No no she ends up doing something with a runner and a bottle...."

Meldari blinks, "Hmm not one I ever heard."

Althia chuckles "not a song for little ones to be around

Meldari nods, 'I know quite a few of those ... just never heard that one."

Althia chuckles "Many say my singing remineds thm of a wounded wherry at a mating flight

"Well then don't sing on my account." Meldari insists. "I was just getting some air after being in the dusty back halls all day."

"Learn an instrument," is Erika's advice.

Althia says, "I can play latrine pretty well"

[We all had to go. Log Ends.]

erika, logs, df

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